## Welcome! This is a first draft of my digital garden, powered by a [[PTN - discourse graph]]. Everything is in progress here, but hopefully helpful starting points! Some interesting places to start: - Top-of-mind questions/syntheses: - [[QUE - How might domain distance modulate the effects of analogies on creative output]] - [[QUE - How can we best bridge private vs. public knowledge]] - [[THE - interaction-oriented theory of creative inspiration from examples]] - [[QUE - What tension points exist between the goals of diversity and depth of user participation in participatory design]] - Well-developed claims (connected to evidence): - [[CLM - Analogical distance of inspirations for an idea are positively related to the idea's creativity]] - [[CLM - creative workers use examples to support problem (re)formulation]] - [[CLM - Marginalized user populations may require involvement of extra stakeholders who may complicate hearing the users' voices]] - Well-connected evidence: - [[EVD - Two artists used individual artworks to shape not just their ideas, but used a process of ana...ion. This process unfolded over the course of years. - @okadaAnalogicalModificationCreation2009]] - [[EVD - Working with an advocate within the prison system allowed researchers to navigate bureaucratic hierarchy with relative ease - @tengParticipatoryDesignVirtual2019b]]