The Global Intimacy Disorder is a pervasive issue that affects humanity at all levels and dimensions. It is characterized by systemic disassociation, leading to a sense of alienation from ourselves, each other and the world -- in **other** words, between parts and the whole. All of us are impacted by this disorder, and its tangible repercussions in our society, such as widespread depression, anxiety, and fundamentalism, are an unprecedented human crisis. At the level of the planet's natural and human built systems, the global intimacy disorder is making everything unhealthy and fragile. **This disorder is the deepest generator of all existential risk.**
The consequences of this disorder are dire. If left unresolved, it will lead to the destruction of civilization or the end of our humanity. We are already seeing the effects of this disorder in our increasing reliance on algorithmic authorities, which threaten to drive us insane and destroy our way of life.
The [[Mission of the Church]] is to resolve the Global Intimacy Disorder.