## *Human Generator V4 release notes* ### Main new features: --- ###### No more creation/finalize phase restriction! Now all functionality is available at any time! You can for example still change the body proportions and height of the human after adding clothing. ![[Pasted image 20221120143044.png]] ###### New age system! You can now make your humans look older and younger than you could before, with full body ageing. ![[Pasted image 20221120144451.png]] ###### More varied starting humans. These new options will allow you to have more defined characters more quickly. ![[Pasted image 20221120144805.png]] ###### Super powerful new API. Basically the whole add-on now runs on a behind the scenes API. This means almost every functionality of the add-on is quickly accessible through our new [[Human]] class. ![[Pasted image 20221120144948.png]] ###### 7 new hair systems intended for aged humans. ![[Pasted image 20221120164859.png]] ###### Automatic haircards generation. For when you want to use the humans in software that doesn't support particle hair, or you find particle hair to be too heavy for your use case. ![[Pasted image 20221120143418.png]] ###### LOD generation. Want to have lower resolution meshes? Use our new LOD generation feature, found in the processing menu. ![[Pasted image 20221120143649.png]] ###### And more "Process" tools! Like custom scripts using our new API, renaming objects, materials, bones etc. ![[Pasted image 20221120143831.png|300]] ### Other big changes. --- ###### New interface. To accommodate the many options you have now the creation/finalize phase are gone, we reworked the interface to give you quicker access. ![[Pasted image 20221120143307.png|300]] ###### Batch Humans are now fully editable. You can change anything you can on a regular human. ![[Pasted image 20221120143954.png]] ###### Many new body proportion sliders. Like muscles, limb lengths and even stylized characters! ![[Pasted image 20221120144120.png]] ###### New eye sliders. Like eye scale, eye distance, eye depth. ![[Pasted image 20221120144647.png]] ### And much more! - Save almost every edit as a starting human, including hair, clothing, body changes etc. - Save your own custom diffuse textures - Much easier saving of shape keys to the library - Improved way of adding custom clothing - Manage custom content (delete, edit, etc.) with the Content Overview - Much wider ranges for sliders. Almost every slider can be pushed from -10 to +10 ## Showcase video: <iframe border = 0 frameborder = 0 height = 330 width = 600 src=https://youtube.com/embed/fmxDUASq11U> </iframe>