> [!info] Part of the [[Guide/Overview|Human Generator Guide]]
*How Human Generator's pose system works.*
There are multiple ways to pose HG humans:
- Using our [[#Pose library|pose library]].
- [[#Manual posing|Manually posing]] the humans.
- Using the [[#Rigify]] control rig.
### Pose library
Human Generator includes a library of poses that are ready to use. For an overview of all included poses, see [Human Generator Base Content](https://www.humgen3d.com/base-content).
To add a pose from the library, make sure you are in the "Library" tab of Human Generator's "Pose" panel. Click on the selection square to see the options, and select a pose from one of the previews. You can narrow down the options with the search field or the category dropdown.
![[CleanShot 2023-03-07 at 12.23.34.gif]]
>The poses from the library are regular Blender poses. You can use these as a starting point and edit them to your liking. For information on how to edit poses, see [[#Manual posing]]
> [!tip]- Python API - Adding poses
>To add a pose to the human instance, you can use
> ```python
> options = human.pose.get_options()
> chosen_option = options[0] # Select specific one, or randomly
> human.pose.set(chosen_option)
> ```
> For more options, see [[PoseSettings]]
### Manual posing
You can manually pose the human by selecting the armature/rig object of the human and switching to "Pose mode" (Shortcut: `Ctrl + Tab`). Select one of the bones, and press `g` to go into movement mode. **NOTE:** Make sure "Auto IK" is turned on in the "Tool" tab, this makes posing easier.
![[CleanShot 2023-03-07 at 12.34.07.gif]]
> [!info]
> We recommend using **Auto-IK** if you pose using `g` movement mode. You can enable this in the Pose options (see screenshot). Also, if you want your changes mirrored on both sides, you can enable **X-axis mirroring** in the same place.
> ![[CleanShot 2023-03-07 at
[email protected]]]
>[!example] Saving your pose to the library
>Want to save your custom pose to the library so you can re-use it later? See [[Custom pose]].
### Rigify
Human Generator can also generate a Rigify control rig for your human. You can find the button to generate the Rigify rig inside the Rigify tab of the Pose tab.
![[CleanShot 2023-03-07 at
[email protected]]]
>If you want to control the [[Expression#The face rig|face rig]] using the Rigify rig, make sure to load the face rig before generating the Rigify rig using this button. If you will instead use [[Expression#The 1-click expression library:|1-click expressions]] you can ignore this.
This is what the result looks like:
![[CleanShot 2023-03-07 at
[email protected]]]
How to pose and animate a Rigify rig is outside the scope of this documentation. For more information see:
- The [Rigify documentation]( https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/2.81/addons/rigging/rigify.html):
- Video Tutorial [Posing the Rigify rig](https://youtu.be/vKgH5zXIYmM) by CGDrive