# Life-Disciplines-Projects
Author: [[uwi]]
%% Add a description below this comment. It doesn't need to be long: one or two sentences should be a good start.
Longer descriptions are also welcome! A few things you could cover are:
- Who is this useful for?
- Where to start?
- What each folder is for?
- How to use tags?
- Are any plugins needed? - Add links to them from 02.01
- Are they included in the kit/starter vault?
- Any custom CSS?
- Add links to 04 - Community themes or 05 - CSS Snippets or any other 10 - Resources
- Any ancilliary tools?
Life-Disciplines-Projects (LDP) is a life-management framework. It's an attempt to redefine one's relationship with work by reducing friction, eventually creating velocity towards their declared life's purpose (Ikigai). This is done through the alignment of in the following elements, among many other tricks.
> Resources (PKM) → LDP (Everything below this) ↴↰
>> Tasks → Core (Everything below this) ↴↰
>>> Life → Sense of Self
>>> Habits → Life/Disciplines
>>> Disciplines → Life
>>> Projects → Disciplines
## Who is this for?
LDP is for those who find themselves distracted by the modern world. LDP will create meaning (Life), direction (Disciplines), and action (Projects). If you are missing either of these, you may find LDP useful.
## What can you get from this framework?
- How you should approach LDP
- The fundamentals of LDP
- Working With LDP
- A simple implementation in Obsidian
- Suggestions moving forward
- A detailed walkthrough on defining your Life and Disciplines
## Approach and Philosophy
**Build a System that Works for You:** My life is not your life. LDP is a framework, the foundation that is to be built by whoever utilizes it. Always question and transform methods to work with you.
**Everything should be Relevant and Important**: Save time and energy by working on the relevant and important.
**Keep It Clear, Simple, and Small:** You should be able to sit down and immediately do what you want to do. Do this by reducing friction.
**"Just Enough" For Now, Polish Later:** Do not get stuck on perfection. Do the bare minimum now to establish structure and viability. You can always come back later to iterate on the ideas and do polish.
**Work Wide, not Deep:** Work to understand the bigger picture, then start to polish and tweak the fine details. Do not perfect one component and neglect work on the rest. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
## Download
%% Add the link where people can download this vault or kit %%
Link: https://github.com/uwidev/life-disciplines-projects
%% If there are any steps one needs to complete to download the starter vault or kit list them here in an ordered list (e.g. uncomment the next comment)
To download this vault, you first need to complete the following steps
1. Click on "Releases" on the right
2. Click on "Source Code" under Assets
3. Download
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