# 🗂️ Vaults
## Vaults with Descriptions in the Hub
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- [[03 - Showcases & Templates/Vaults/Life Disciplines Projects|Life Disciplines Projects]]
- [[03 - Showcases & Templates/Vaults/LYT Kit|LYT Kit]]
- [[03 - Showcases & Templates/Vaults/OB_Template|OB_Template]]
- [[03 - Showcases & Templates/Vaults/Obsidian JG Method|Obsidian JG Method]]
- [[03 - Showcases & Templates/Vaults/Obsidian Starter Templates|Obsidian Starter Templates]]
- [[03 - Showcases & Templates/Vaults/PARA Starter Kit|PARA Starter Kit]]
- [[03 - Showcases & Templates/Vaults/Periodic PARA|Periodic PARA]]
- [[03 - Showcases & Templates/Vaults/Qualitative Analysis Environment by Ryan Murphy|Qualitative Analysis Environment by Ryan Murphy]]
- [[03 - Showcases & Templates/Vaults/SlRvb's Journaling Setup|SlRvb's Journaling Setup]]
- [[03 - Showcases & Templates/Vaults/SlRvb's MediaDB Setup|SlRvb's MediaDB Setup]]
- [[03 - Showcases & Templates/Vaults/Template_Hub|Template_Hub]]
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## Vaults with External Descriptions
- [Blue topaz themes example vault for Obsidian](https://github.com/cumany/Blue-topaz-examples)
## Contributing
### Vault structure
Here are a few suggestions on how you can share your vault structure:
- A screenshot of your file explorer
- Using headers or bullets to explain your folder hierarchy. Example's include:
- [Eleanor Konik's JD System](https://publish.obsidian.md/eleanorkonik/00+Meta/03+Structure/JD+System+2021-08-22)
- [Leah Ferguson's File Hierarchy SOP](<https://publish.obsidian.md/leah/00+Meta/04+SOP/File+Hierarchy+(SOP)>)
- Or using the `tree` command in the terminal (for Linux/MacOS)
- [ ] Add examples for the other types of contributions
After that, the interesting bit comes from the *why* you organized things the way you did, so adding a small description and explanation is of course welcome!
### Starter vaults or kits
Unfortunately, we can't host starter vaults or kits in the community vault itself, or it would be chaos! We recommend hosting your vault externally (GitHub is recommended) and providing a link as described in [[#Contribution steps]].
### Contribution steps
The steps for both are roughly the same:
1. Create a new note under [[🗂️ Vaults]]
2. Apply one of the following templates:
- the [[T - Vault showcase]] template for starter vaults or kits
- [[T - Folder structure]] if you're sharing how you've organized your vault (or a part of it)
3. Fill out any placeholders
4. [[How to add content through GitHub|Submit your changes to GitHub]]
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# This note in GitHub
<span class="git-footer">[Edit In GitHub](https://github.dev/obsidian-community/obsidian-hub/blob/main/03%20-%20Showcases%20%26%20Templates/Vaults/%F0%9F%97%82%EF%B8%8F%20Vaults.md "git-hub-edit-note") | [Copy this note](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obsidian-community/obsidian-hub/main/03%20-%20Showcases%20%26%20Templates/Vaults/%F0%9F%97%82%EF%B8%8F%20Vaults.md "git-hub-copy-note") | [Download this vault](https://github.com/obsidian-community/obsidian-hub/archive/refs/heads/main.zip "git-hub-download-vault") </span>