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# flexcyon
Repository: [GitHub](https://github.com/bladeacer/flexcyon)
Designed by: [[bladeacer]]
Modes: [[Dark-mode themes|dark]]

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## Features
- [[Themes with Friendly Settings|Friendly settings]]: Supports the [[obsidian-style-settings|Style Settings]] plugin
## Customization Options (Style Settings Plugin)
**Editor**: Accent Colors, Base Colors, Callouts, Typography, Table, Files, Workspace, Status bar, Title bar
- **Accent Colors**:
- Cyan Color
- Green Color
- Orange Color
- Yellow Color
- Purple Color
- Red Color
- Blue Color
- Pink Color
- Accent Color
- **Base Colors**:
- Base Color 01
- Base Color 02
- Base Color 03
- Base Color 04
- Base Color 05
- Base dark grey
- Base light grey
- Base grey tab
- Base grey token
- Base grey scroll
- Base grey scroll hover
- **Typography**: Muted text color, Headings, UI Font sizes
- Muted text color
- **Headings**:
- Enable coloured headings
- Heading 1 font weight
- Heading 2 font weight
- Heading 3 font weight
- Heading 4 font weight
- Heading 5 font weight
- Heading 6 font weight
- **UI Font sizes**:
- Smaller UI Font size
- Small UI Font size
- Medium UI Font size
- Large UI Font size
- **Table**:
- Table border color
- Width of table in reading mode
- **Files**:
- Enable dimmed file extensions in file exploroer
- **Workspace**:
- File line width: File line width when readable line length is enabled
- Opacity of dimmed elements: Opacity of dimmed UI elements
- Upscale percentage of icons 1: Upscale percentage used in smiley icons and side dock icon effects
- Upscale percentage of icons 2: Upscale percentage used in side dock icon effects
- **Callouts**:
- Callout Icon Right padding: Right padding for the callout icon
- First Codeblock Margin Top: Margin top for the first codeblock in a callout
- **Status Bar**:
- Hide until hover: Hide status bar until hover
- Text when hide until hover enabled: Text to show when hide until hover is enabled, do not leave empty
- Transition duration for showing status bar on hover: Transition duration for showing status bar on hover, requires hide until hover to be enabled.
- Transition timing function for showing status bar on hover: Transition timing function for showing status bar on hover, requires hide until hover to be enabled.
- Use text instead of icons for mode status: Use text instead of icons for mode status
- Reading Mode Text: Text to display when in reading mode, needs use text instead of icons for mode status enabled.
- Source Mode Text: Text to display when in source mode, needs use text instead of icons for mode status enabled.
- Live Preview Mode Text: Text to display when in live preview mode, needs use text instead of icons for mode status enabled.
- Show status bar on mobile
- **Title Bar**:
- Titlebar Button Effects: Enable hover effects on titlebar buttons
**Settings**: Customise the appearance of settings
- Smiley Toggle Icons in Settings: Display smiley toggle icons for settings toggle buttons
- Coloured Icons in Settings: Display coloured icons for buttons in setting like uninstall, options, hotkeys, etc.
- Enable community item effects: Enable installed tooltip effects such as subtle dimming of community items and fixing positioning of installed tooltip in community items.
- Opacity of community items (unselected)
- Installed tooltip left margin: Control the left margin of the installed tooltip
- Do not show scrollbar in settings: Do not show scrollbar in settings
**Plugins**: Style settings related to supported plugins
- **Alternate file tree**:
- Folders font size: Used in alternate file tree files
- Folders font color
- Active folder color
- Files font size: Used in alternate file tree files
- Files font color
- Disable folder icons: Remove folder icons
- Disable file tree header: Remove file tree header
- Enable Alternate folder count: Alternate folder count style, shows count on hover
- Enable dimmed file extensions in file tree
- **Full Calendar**:
- Opacity of dimmed full calendar items
**Others**: Vim mode text, new tab appearance, side dock icons, tooltip radius
- **Vim Mode Text**: Text to display modes when using built-in vim bindings
- Enable Vim Mode Text: Enable text for displaying current vim mode
- Vim mode text left positioning: How far from the left of the screen the current vim mode text is (as the number gets greater, the text moves to the right of the screen)
- Vim mode text bottom positioning: How far from the bottom of the screen the current vim mode text is (as the number gets greater, the text moves higher up the screen)
- Insert Mode Text: Text to display when in insert mode
- Normal Mode Text: Text to display when in normal mode
- Command Mode Text: Text to display when in command mode
- **New Tab Appearance**: Customise the appearance of new tabs
- Enable ASCII Art: Enable ASCII art in new tab
- ASCII Art: ASCII art to display in new tab
- Disable Empty State title: Toggle the empty state title
- Disable Empty State Actions: Toggle the empty state actions
- **Side Dock Icons**:
- Enable side dock icon effects: Enable the colors, dim till hover effects for side dock icons
- **Tooltip radius**:
- Small radius
- Medium radius
- Large radius
- Extra large radius
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