# Template plugins Plugins to apply templates beyond what [[Obsidian Core Plugins#Templates]] offer. ## Plugins in this category - [[obsidian-filename-heading-sync|Filename Heading Sync]]: Obsidian plugin for keeping the filename with the first heading of a file in sync - [[liquid-templates|Liquid Templates]]: Empower your template with LiquidJS tags - [[page-heading-from-links|Page Heading From Links]]: Inserts a heading into blank pages from the filename - [[podcast-note|Podcast Note]]: Podcast Note lets you automatically add podcast information to your notes. - [[quickadd|QuickAdd]]: Quickly add new pages or content to your vault. - [[templater-obsidian|Templater]]: Create and use templates - [[obsidian-temple|Temple]]: A plugin for templating in Obsidian, powered by Nunjucks. - [[obsidian-metatemplates|metatemplates]]: Generate notes from templates using YAML front-matter ## Related categories %% Add links to other 02.02 - Category notes %% #placeholder/notes %% Hub footer: Please don't edit anything below this line %% # This note in GitHub <span class="git-footer">[Edit In GitHub](https://github.dev/obsidian-community/obsidian-hub/blob/main/02%20-%20Community%20Expansions/02.01%20Plugins%20by%20Category/Template%20plugins.md "git-hub-edit-note") | [Copy this note](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obsidian-community/obsidian-hub/main/02%20-%20Community%20Expansions/02.01%20Plugins%20by%20Category/Template%20plugins.md "git-hub-copy-note") | [Download this vault](https://github.com/obsidian-community/obsidian-hub/archive/refs/heads/main.zip "git-hub-download-vault") </span>