I am a historian writing about radio, music, digital culture, cinema, and the Global Cold War. I teach at Concordia University in Montreal. You can check out my historical work at [elenarazlogova.org](http://elenarazlogova.org/).
This site contains my guides related to historical research and writing. I set up this site to teach honors undergraduate and graduate students.
Sections 1-9 present a technical guide on research and writing with Zotero and Obsidian. To set up Zotero to work with Obsidian, check out [[01 Notetaking for Historians]]. All templates and Obsidian plugins described in the documentation are already preinstalled in [Obsidian history vault](https://github.com/erazlogo/obsidian-history-vault), available on Github. You can also get advice on [[02 In the Archives|archival research with digital tools]].
Sections 10 and above contain materials for my course, "Historical Nonfiction Writing Workshop," which includes the syllabus and supporting guides. It's a work in progress.