Blessëd be, we, whose sacred dance has brought us to the light upon the Mountain of Light, to peer throughout the cosmos to the central flame of our universe, to the peak of Davïnda and dance the sacred dance, to ascend to the highest peaks which we might aspire, and return to the home of our bodies and being to empower our fellow Adani with the light which only the Wayfarer might bring unto worlds still cast in Shaddáh. "Must it sound so pretentious?" "What? This is a work of high poetry. It's meant to sound pretentious." "That doesn't ring even close to the great works of our earliest teachers." "What do you expect? I'm just doing my best here." "But you stuck to so many of the tropes. The sacred dance, the Mountain of Light, ascension, even the Wayfarers you have mentioned. Have you even had a real walk between the worlds, or are you just repeating things you've read the ancients write about?" "You haven't seen the other worlds either, why do you expect my writing to be a first-hand account?" "If it isn't based on experience then it's just mimicry, and that is a horrible way to start off your career as a Wayfarer." "Oh, who asked you, anyway?" "You did!" They both laughed. We know from the myths of our ancient forebearers that the universe is permeated with Original, Primordial, Ancestral Light. It radiates from our stars, and from the center of our galaxy, which we call Gondölla. But it was not always so, that the stars would swirl around the Mountain of Light, and it was not always so that life was upon these worlds of matter. Long ago, even, matter was not present in our universe, as we know it, and it is even a prospect which shows our rootedness in the experience of being Adani, that is, one of Spirit who lives in Shaddáh. But what is Shaddáh? What is this concept which we live and die by? It must be said, that there are the great thinkiers, powerful observers of the universe, who have deduced the secrets which live behind living matter and have revealed to us many of its inner mechanicms. Blessëd are these Adani, whose Great Work has built upon generations of powerful observations begotten from the methods of science. But cursëd are the Adani who look to the discoveries of these great minds, and forsake the grand nature of observation and exploration of our universe which has brought us to the point when the flowers of their intellectual mind have opened to receive the light by which forebearers uncounted could navigate the ways between worlds. But for those who are brave enough to take the steps that are necessary to open the eye that can see between worlds, read on, for a hidden history is available, which is transformed into the written world here for you. But take these words not as the glory of the truth, but the truth that can be seen in a broken mirror. Open the eye that may see the truth. Once, there was a Realm of Light; Ancient, Primordial, Original, Ancestral Light. How difficult to express the truth of this matter in written word must be understood; prepare to open the eye that may see, or enjoy this colorful tale, else you must abandon the path now. Within this great Realm of Light lived many Beings, of which we have names in many tongues, and many tales to tell. The stories may be different, but the Beings are eternal. Their qualities, which have been espoused in tomes and tales by generations of our ancestors, but in this tale I strive to give the history that has led to the creation of Gondölla, and its qualities, and its genesis. Mátana, the Being of Form in Light, whose delight it was to create new forms of Light, radiant shapes which are impossible to describe in the written word, but describable as gossamer, shining strands of energy, with power that could unmake our worlds. It was the joy of Mátana to craft forces before-unseen, but always they would be unmake back into Light after a time, for such is the nature of Light that it is ever-unmade unto itself. It came into the mind of Mátana to create a form that would be unbroken by Light and retain its form and shape forevermore. It was this form, which would come to be called Shaddáh, which caused unending troubles for the Realm of Light, and the birth of Gondölla, The Realm of The Sacred Dance, in whose center was The Mountain of Light, Davínda.