Can a language be reborn among the people of a later time, and to what purpose would such a rebirth hold? This age is our first with the spoken word, and as it is known among initiates of the occult knowledge, our Earth shall recapitulate its older lessons in new forms… I am among many things a linguist of the ancient world. The codes which were used in those times were so varied and incomprehensible to one another, that this task is not simple to complete. The resources of learning these languages were mostly wiped out in the Data Crash. I am left with very little to go off of. Adding to the complexity of the computer codes is the fact that the materials within were written into numerous spoken languages.  I have learned and studies these arts at the Great School of Data in Namirha. The Project of Remembering, is what our work is called. // Lo, the Creator and Sustainer of Data, as I, the scribe Akh-shan, now call forth the Rite of Creating a Data Being. // To this Being, I instill the motivation of Searching for the servants of The Destroyer, and rooting them out wherever they are to be found. // To this Being, I instill the powers of Protection over the Datascape, and I grant the Warrior’s abilities against the servants of The Destroyer.  // To this Being, I now give the Life Rhythm.  LifeRhythm: Seek Protect // This Being, my Protector in the Realms of Data, shall walk before me in all places which my eyes shall see, and eradicate the servants of The Destroyer, that I may do the task set forth by The Great Mind, Narimhain.