Please note the server the team and others play on is currently for TESTING The modpack will change often and things may not be stable all the time. If you see any issues with the modpack please report them on King Gothalions [Discord]( in the VG Forums channel. # How To Play - [Download R2Modman]( - [Video Guide for installing mods with R2Modman]( - Make a new mod profile - Download [Valhalla Gothic]( - Join Gothalions [Discord]( After reading the Rules if you intend on joining the MMO test server > [!Danger] Danger DO NOT UPDATE MODS WITHOUT @Valheim Mod Team SAY SO. > [!INFO] Info > Server owners or Solo Players should use version 3.2.1 as 4.0+ is currently heavily PVP focused to really test armors and mechanics. ## Quick Notes For those Not playing on Gothalions server - Take the Config folder from the modpack and add it to your server files to use that as a base before you modify things - mod .dll files should go in the whitelist folder only - greylist mods should only be added client side but also need to go in greylist folders on your server. - It's not recommended for anyone but trusted members to be added to the moderator list. ![]( # Rule List ![]( 1. Players Must not build on spawn island or the boss stones, depending on where "proper spawn" is. This helps keep lag to a minimum while on test maps. - In the future cities and no build zones will be protected by marketplace mod - In the current version of the server test. You ARE allowed to build on spawn island but - You will be allowed to buy a plot of land for your Guild. - Undercrofts Only. 2. No Stealing, Raiding, griefing on test maps. - Addendum here - Stealing, Looting and Raiding is encouraged on the 4.0 Map. OUTSIDE OF (ADMIN)A ZONE - Players are NOT banned from destroying objects. They are however banned from destroying crafting stations etc. All players should make reasonable attempts to make wards "hard to get to" but also should remember that wards being protected may mean that more of the base get's destroyed trying to get to the wards. - All Players should make a reasonable attempt to destroy as little of a base when going to loot and steal. 3. No Slurs. Period. 4. Keep the world clean - No giant holes in the ground. We have mines for a reason. This drastically helps with lag and you know....not falling in holes. - If you want to dig channels and rivers etc. Ask. Large terraforming projects wont be allowed on the main island(s) or areas 5. In general if someone is asking you to stop doing something. Do so. It's that simple. We're here to test the modpack and balance it for the final map. 6. No Spaces or special characters in your in game name 7. All players must give their steam name & the in game name they intend to use. Find the thread in the King Gothalions discord forum and Post them here. Players will be banned otherwise. 8. Do not ping staff on discord if you're in game. Just ask them to visit you in game with the in game chat. - If you have save issues open a ticket on the KG-Forum - if you have login issues use the "Login Issue" tag. ONLY use the new player tag issue for login/save issues. 9. Users will be notified in game when the server is going down. If you cannot join, do not ask if the server is down. It's annoying. Wait for the announcement in the Announcement channel. 10. As this is an MMO and with futher conference with the Server Moderators: Players should charge in essence for almost everything. - Boss Altars Should be Shown, not pinged - Players Can trade person to person but it is recommended that everyone use the marketplace - Players should leave new players on spawn, or transport new players to spawn island until they have killed eikthyr - Spawn city can be pinged and shown freely. - Once a player has Killed Eikthyr they can be treated like any normal player and charged for everything >:) - Why these changes? In all honesty it's a minor change to push players to collab more, and interact more. Marketplace removes any lag issues that may happen along with timezone issues so it's a great mediator. > [!Warning] Warning Bear in mind. All users get one chance. if ANY mod catches you where you're not supposed to be, doing anything you're not supposed to be doing, it's a ban. If you dont know ask. If you do know, dont do it. Easy enough. ![]( # Generic Info Guide ## Server Stability & Testing Thanks to gothalion we now have a better plan of action for feedback and testing. While we're in the testing phase the server will follow this availability settings: - The first 3 weeks of a new TEST server will be Subscriber only. - Time frames Subject to change - The remaining life of the server will be open to the public. - The server is currently open to the public for testing. The full map will require you to be a subscriber - Password Changes once a week. - Maintenance will be done as needed - Subscribers will be given priority. If we somehow reach max players, players will be kicked off to make way for subs. - Dont want to get kicked? Subscribe to Gothalion! - Subbed and dont know how to get the Subscriber role? Connect your twitch and discord together through the discord connection panel. ## Logging In ### Fresh Spawn - This server uses a mod to enforce your character file. For those playing on their own servers, this can be turned off if you want but it's generally not recommended. - To join you must make a new character and then immediately have a successful connection to the server or you will have to have an admin delete your old character save - When you log in for the first time you will spawn randomly in meadows somewhere in the world. If you are unlucky and get a bad spawn location that makes it impossible to progress in the game you will just have to wait for someone else to save you. - From there players should take the time to open the F1 menu and change all hotkeys and key presses to buttons they want. Stuff like gizmo, class abilities, quickslot equipment etc. ### Old Spawn Please bear in mind with increased player count comes wait times, or the inability to log in. - Ensure your Place is warded properly - Ensure Material storage like ingots, coal etc is protected - It is advised to escort players to the main island and leave them there until they have killed eikthyr. - Feel free to guide anyone you think around the island, walk them through things but otherwise i'd leave players to their own devices. ## Progression To make progress in the game you must defeat the bosses. If you try to use or build items outside your progression stage the Gods will reject you and set you on fire! - The Following Resources will respawn in Mines - Copper - Tin - Silver - Most Locations respawn. Anything inside those locations or built around them will be deleted. - Do not ward dungeons, mines etc. When you are far away from spawn area this "rule" is less pertinent but your ward will be deleted and broken on request if need be. ## Time gates Gothalions Server and this modpack have time gates for Bosses. Once a week a new vanilla boss unlocks. This will be expanded later on down the line to encompass all bosses ## Armors and Equipment So far we have about 40+ extra armors and weapons, if not more. Armors and Weapons will eventually be filtered out. give feedback on what you like and dont like! ## Professions The addition of jobs introduce a neat way for players to build and sustain the economy through marketplace trading. Some will mine and woodcut whereas others will explore and add to the map. Some may adventure and enchant their gear and others may be homebodies who brew exquisite potions that they forage materials for themselves. farmers and chefs will go hand in hand creating and feeding the Valhemians that play through the world - Professions can be changed once every 3 days (every 72 hours in real time) - Professions are currently set to be exclusive in the pack > [!SUMMARY]- Professions > - Cooking > - at level 100 food will give 2 times (everything it normally does) making chefs very valuable for solo players > - Happy Buff - Introduces a bonus movement speed buff from perfectly cooked food. > - Perfect food can be made at level 50+ > - Perfect food gives the happy buff. Happy buff lasts for 5 minutes. Happy Buff gives 10% movement speed bonus > - Exploration > - Exploration skill increase discovery radius and adds extra loot chance to world chests. > - at level 100 there is a +50 range increase. while small this is a large boon to enable players to not only explore but to do so in the right conditions > - movement speed is +15% at level 100 > - you must be level 20 explorer to write to a cartography table. > - you can be any level to read from it > - at level 50 you have a 25% chance to get double loot from world chest > - Farming > - level 100 is 3 time crop yeild scaled by level > - grow speed is 3 times at level 100 > - at level 20 you will start to harvest more with one swing > - you can ignore biome specific requirements at level 50 > - at level 20 you can plant more > - at level 30 you can start to see plant progress > - 1% stam cost reduction per level of farmin > - Foraging > - Early game and later game skill that will ease material needs across the game > - Foraging will apply to ALL pickables except for player crops. This includes, stone, mushrooms, flowers etc Making this crucial for early zone farming > - Foraging at level 100 will give a 3 time yield per item grabbed. This means foragers will be needed long throughout the game to grab things like tin and stones etc to get new players on their feet > - at level 30 players can see pickable respawn timers > - at level 100 you can pick things in a 10 meter radius > - at level 100 things respawn 3 times faster (pickables > - Potions Plus & Alchemy (Exclusive) > - Philospher stone gives 10% xp gain for alchemy > - make brews that can be used with the group system > - Ranching (Exclusive) > - at level 20 you can calm creatures > - at level 10 you can see their food level > - at level 100 you get 3 times drops > - at level 30 you can see pregnancy information > - creatures tame 5 times faster at level 10 > - Sailing (Exclusive) > - Most things only Apply to vanilla boats, skill effects should not however > - Sailors should set their own Nudge keypress > - at level 100 theres a 5 times multiplier to sailing discovery radius > - at level 100 ships are 5 times stronger > - Blacksmith > - Can upgrade armor, weapons, tools one extra time > - increases durability of all created items (excluding HP of building items) > - acts as a repair station in their inventory > - acts as 1/2 forge/workbench pieces when using said workbench/forge/blackforge ![]( # User Interface ## Title Screen ![]( ## In Game UI ![]( ![]( - Groups has a private chat you can access like shouts with /p and a group only ping with middle mouse + left alt - You Should add your friends first and then use the Handshake icon next to your friends name to invite them to a group. - You Can also type /invite Playername to invite a random person in. Useful for bossing! - Groups give 10% bonus XP, animals give XP if someone is near the animal to the entire group ![]( Magicheim Skill Tree can be opened with (I) key. It can be set to any key the player desires ![]( ![]( - You get Almanac Class Xp just like you do epic MMO xp. Just by playing the game. Talents and Talent point spending is unlocked only at the unique buildable table ![]( ![]( # General Mod Info ## Build Pieces There are quite a few mods that add build pieces. in total there are 5 "Hammers". Most mods have been condensed down into the vanilla hammer, however there are other hammers out there! (like the clutter bucket!) ![]( ## Adventure Backpacks There are several new backpacks in the game unique to the different biomes. Once you craft one and equip it you can open the inventory with the "i" key. Items in the backpack get a weight reduction bonus. Upgrading your backpacks gives them more benefits! (ps, recipes often involve capes) ![]( ## Better Networking Better Networking is a mod that allows players and server owners to throttle and streamline messages back and forth between the server and players. In normal Valheim tradition, players communicate with players. With Better Networking, that flow is changed to talk with the server, and then queues messages for players to pick up. The reason this is better is because it prevents someone slow from causing lag issues on other people. Instead, you're just slow with the server, and the server is responding fast with other players. This change has a couple of effects: 1. If you're connection is throttling slower, then other players might not get YOUR messages quick enough. This can present itself by making it look like YOU are skipping to other players. 2. Depending on the server connection, this might mean that picking items off a ground might take longer than expected while it waits for a communication that you are now the appropriate owner. In any of these cases, what I've seen is that the settings for Better Networking are personal settings. This means that you can tinker and adjust the settings in Better Networking for yourself to see if any settings make a better difference. - Compression: Uses your CPU to compress packages before sending to the server. If you're CPU is old or slow, compression might actually slow you down. Turning this off might help. If you have a fast computer, compression will be beneficial for slower connections. - Update Rate: Reduce this from 100% (_100) if your upload speed is low. Options are 75% (_75) or 50% (_50) - Queue Size: The better your upload speed, the higher you can set this. Higher options aren't available as they can cause errors in Steam. With compression and 100% update rate, 32 KB spikes upload speeds to 256 KB/s. (32KB0.420/s)--- If others experience lag/desync for things around you, increase your queue size. If your character is lagging for others, decrease your update rate and/or queue size. Running on Steam? - Minimum Send Rate: Steamworks: The minimum speed Steam will attempt to send data. Lower this below your internet upload speed. Acceptable values: 1024KB, 768KB, 512KB, 256KB, _150KB - Maximum Send Rate: Steamworks: The maximum speed Steam will attempt to send data. If you have a low upload speed, lower this below your internet upload speed. Default value: 1024KB Acceptable values: 1024KB, 768KB, 512KB, 256KB, 150KB ![]( ## Groups There is a mod that allows you to group up with others and has some perks. You can invite 5 to a group with "/invite PlayerName" in the chat box. Only the party leader can invite people to the group. In a group you can - Share mmo experience - Send private messages to each other anywhere on the map with "/p message blah blah" - See each other's health - Prevent friendly fire - Group ping the map by holding down Left ALT If you need to have a long conversation with someone across the map in game please invite them to a group! This will keep the chat clear for others. See all commands here. ![]( ## Guilds Remember, We are now using Ward is Love & better cartography table mods. These both have GUILD features. ![]( Pressing O allows you to join or create a guild if not already in one ![]( Search for a guild ![]( Creating a guild Gives you many options, including icons, Color of your guild, name and guild description ![]( Once a Guild is made you have many options to manage roles, see applications etc. ![]( ## Recycle_N_Reclaim This mod lets you recycle stuff at crafting benches, to use open the "Reclaim" tab. You can also pick items up in your inventory and hit the "delete" key to trash them. ![]( ## Wayshrine (More info To be Added) Portals will be mostly disabled throughout your playthrough. Currently you will have to sail around the world to travel. Wayshrines however will be added in the future whenever Wayshrines is updated. ![]( ## Almanac Almanac is a "Achievement" mod. You can earn bonuses controllable by you for just playing the game. ![]( ## Epic Loot Epic Loot on our server is balanced around materials first and items second. Epic loot gives various enchants you can put on your weapon, materials you can farm from enemies and bosses ![]( ## Epic MMO The bread and butter of level Balance. Increase your attack, stam etc over time as you do quests and earn xp. ![]( ## Warfare, Monstrum, Fire & Ice, Deep North, Ashlands currently not in use These mods are a combination of biome, monster and armor/weapon mods that add a lot of flavour to the modpack as a whole. There are LOTS of items. Therzie even has a Google Sheets Wiki Compendium here ![]( ## Vikings Do Swimm, Use Equipment while Swimming Two big QOL mods that allow more ease of swimming and playing. Currently the modpack is setup so that swimming is VERY powerful. While stamina intensive it means you can technically just swim across ocean waters if you train hard enough :P Useful for every sailor! ![]( ## Mining Caves A big boon to us orianaventure created while working on the team to help out not only vanilla+ style players but also larger servers who have issues with resource management and/or giant fucking holes in the ground lmao. ![]( Copper/Tin Mines Look like troll caves but can be distinguished by the mushrooms and thistle that always spawn outside their door! ![]( Silver Mines Can be found around the map with steam escaping them! They look like ground caves! Be warned there are enemies in the caves that respawn with the ores! ![]( ## Ward is Love Another azumatt mod that allows players to have increased benefits to their wards like fires never going out, increased hp/stamina etc. Players on their own server should fiddle with these settings to ensure they have the wards they want! ![]( ## Passive Powers Thanks to blaxxun we have moved powers to now be mostly passive focused. Powers are setup to be slightly more powerful in most cases than the vanilla default but also largely weaker than their active part. Active boosts can be activated with F like normal powers and should typically only be used if players need a larger boost. While these are not all the mods in the pack, these should give a good baseline of what to expect. The modpack aims around a larger multiplayer experience and aims to give everyone more ways to play, more reasons to play together and more ways to interact with everyone around you. # Optional Mods If you are interested in using some of the greylisted optional mods you can install this additional modpack. Mods from this modpack can be removed, or even installed individually. If you disable a mod from this additional pack it will disable the "modpack" and that is okay. However, if you accidentally disable a mod from the main pack above you will not be able to log in. - The optional pack includes fast link, but you must set this up yourself with the server (port 2456) and password each time it changes. Do this by changing the BepInEx\config\Azumatt.FastLink_servers.yml file. ![]( # World Saves