# The Garden Gate Hello. I'm Laura and this is my *Garden of Musings*. It is a place where I plant notions in hopes of transforming them into concepts for future use. The garden is always in process, and the notes herein are at various levels of maturity: some are unformed seeds and others are growing plants, but none are fully mature. All are basically written for my personal use, but if you find them useful, happy thinking. The garden is designed around entry points connected to notions to form a web of ideas and Tags related to personal projects. Each note has a map of links that can guide you as you wander through the garden. If the near chaos of the garden bothers you too much, or you would like to read stuff that's at least a bit more polished, check out [Who in the World are We?](https://www.whointheworldarewe.com/) or the [TFB Academy blog](https://tfbacademy.blogspot.com/search/label/proclaimer%20articles). # Entry Points ## Up Notes - [[Equipped for Ministry (Pondering Ministry Assignments, Jan24)]]. - [[One God, One Church (Pondering the 2023 TFB Sermon Theme, y2023), Nov23]]. - [[Theology (Pondering Theology)]]. - [[Z-System (Pondering the Z-System)]]. - [[Presence (Pondering Presence)]]. ## Topic Tags - #ElderSelection Musings exploring an elder selection process that combines whole church participation in selection with rigorous biblical evaluation of qualifications. - #Hermitage Musings exploring what it might look like to have a home that functions as a place for followers of Jesus to think Christianly together. [[A Place to Dwell ('Hermitage')]] is a good starting place. - #Hub Up Notes linking common notes. - #Matthew Musings composed mostly during the 2024-25 Matthew sermon series at TFB. - #Ministry Musings exploring ministry as God-equipped service by all believers for the sake of the Body of Christ. Consider starting with [[Learning to Love and Live (L3 + Ministry as One)]]. - #PresenceProject Musings exploring God's presence with his people and their presence with one another. Check out [[Presence Now and When ('Run' AND 'Saunter')]]. - #y2023 Musings foundational to 2023 Academy article series I co-write for the [Torrance First Baptist](https://www.tfbclife.org/) newsletter, *The Proclaimer*. Published articles can be found on the [TFB Academy blog](https://tfbacademy.blogspot.com/search/label/proclaimer%20articles). - #y2024 Musings foundational to 2024 Academy article series I co-write for the [Torrance First Baptist](https://www.tfbclife.org/) newsletter, *The Proclaimer*. Published articles can be found on the [TFB Academy blog](https://tfbacademy.blogspot.com/search/label/proclaimer%20articles). - #Z-System Musings exploring thinking and writing that uses the concepts and practices of Zettelkasten and Zibaldone. [[Space to Think (Ditching the Bullet Journal)]] is one place to start exploring. ## Status Tags - #aligning tags entries that are in the second phase, namely, they have sentences and paragraphs but need a second look before approval. - #posting tags entries that are in the first, messy, bullet list form. - #holder tags entries that are holding a space for an up note. **Want to dialogue?** - Email: tangentrider AT gmail DOT com - (Formerly) Twitter: https://twitter.com/tangentrider Remember to link to the musing in the email or tweet. # Snapshots of the Vault and Garden I use [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) to wrangle my thoughts and dance among the ideas. If you're curious, this what my note vault looked like as of December 11, 2023. Each dot is a note of some sort; the yellow dots are in the Garden. ![[ObsidianMap.png]] And this is the Garden of Musings as of 240401. ![[garden_of_musings-240401.jpeg]]