[Fantasy Grounds' wiki page for effects and conditions](https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996641040/Tracking+Conditions+and+Effects) Here is a comprehensive list of effects the system supports. This will be updated and more effects are added. ### Effect Builder To aid you in creating and using these effects, I have released an [an extension on the Forge](https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/1308/view) that can be used in conjunction with SoxMax's wonderful [Effect Builder](https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/457/view) extension. These two extensions in combination allow you to build complex effects using a simple GUI. A guide to using the Effect Builder [can be found here.](https://github.com/SoxMax/FG-Effect-Builder/blob/main/README.md). ### Standard Effects #### Roll Modifiers | Effect | Value | Descriptors | Notes | | -------- | ------ | -------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ASSET | Number | [roll type] [stat] [skill] | Adds an asset to the roll. Capped at 2 | | MAXASSET | Number | [roll type] [stat] [skill] | Modifies the maximum assets allowed | | EFFORT | Number | [roll type] [stat] [skill] | Applies a free level of effort to a roll. Limited by the character's maximum effort | | MAXEFF | Number | [roll type] [stat] | Adjusts the maximum effort that can be applied | | EASE | Number | [roll type] [stat] [skill] | Eases the difficulty of a roll by a given number of steps | | HINDER | Number | [roll type] [stat] [skill] | Hinders the difficulty of a roll by a given number of | | STAT | Number | [stat] | Adds a flat number to stat rolls | | SKILL | Number | [stat] [skill] | Adds a flat number to skill rolls* | | ATK | Number | [stat] | Adds a flat number to attack rolls* | | DEF | Number | [stat] | Adds a flat number to defense rolls* | | INIT | Number | [stat] | Adds a flat amount to initiative rolls | | HEAL | Number | [stat] | Adds a flat amount to healing | #### Health and Healing | Effect | Value | Descriptors | Notes | | -------------- | ------ | --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | RECOVERY | Number | - | Adds a flat amount to recovery rolls | | INGOREIMPAIRED | - | - | Causes the character to ignore the penalties of being impaired | | SHIELD | Number | \[stat] [damage type] | Damage to a character is dealt to the SHIELD effect first. If a stat or damage type is specified, then only damage matching the given stat or type is applied to the SHIELD effect. | | REGEN | Number | [stat] "single" | Regain a number of stat points at the start of every turn. Does not work if dead. If "single" is present as a descriptor. then the regen will only apply to the stat specified, and any extra regen will not overflow into other stats. | | HALFRECOVERY | - | "action", "minute", "hour", "day" | Causes a PC to only gain half of the rolled Recovery amount when they take a recovery action. Control which recovery is halved with the filters "action" (first recovery), "minute" (second recovery), "hour" (third recovery), and "day" (fourth recovery). Supports multiple filters. | | NORECOVERY | - | "action", "minute", "hour", "day" | Causes a PC to regain no stats when they roll Recovery. Control which recovery is ignored with the filters "action" (first recovery), "minute" (second recovery), "hour" (third recovery), and "day" (fourth recovery). Supports multiple filters. | #### Damage Modification | Effect | Value | Descriptors | Notes | | ------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | DMG | Number | [stat] [damage type] | Adds a flat amount to damage rolls | | DMGO | Number | [stat] [damage type] "single" "pierce" "ambient" | Take damage at the start of the character's turn. If "single" is present as a descriptor. then the damage will only apply to the stat specified, and any extra damage will not overflow into other stats. if "pierce" or "ambient" is present as a descriptor, the damage will ignore all armor of the matching type. | | PIERCE | Number | [damage type] | Causes damage dealt to bypass an amount of Armor. If no damage type is specified then this will pierce only untyped armor. If a damage type is specified, it will pierce only that armor type | #### Cost Modification | Effect | Value | Descriptors | Notes | | ------ | ------ | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | EDGE | Number | [roll type] [stat] | Adjusts a character's Edge | | COST | Number | [stat] armor | Modifies the amount of a stat pool paid to activate abilities or apply effort | #### Armor Modification | Effect | Value | Descriptors | Notes | | ---------- | ------ | -------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ARMOR | Number | [damage type] "all" | Increases armor. If no extra tags are given, then this will only increase armor against untyped, 'generic' damage. | | DT | Number | [damage type] "all" | Sets a threshold for a given damage type. Any damage of the specified type below the threshold will be ignored, and damage above the threshold is fully applied | | SUPERARMOR | Number | [stat] [damage type] | A character's super armor is immune to all damage piercing effect. DOES NOT ADD ARMOR | | IMMUNE | Number | [damage type] "all" | Takes 0 damage of the specified type. If no damage type is specified then this grants immunity to untyped 'generic' damage. | | VULN | Number | [damage type] "all" | Take increased damage of the specified type. If no damage type is specified then this grants immunity to untyped 'generic' damage. | #### Training Modification | Effect | Value | Descriptors | Notes | | --------- | ----- | ------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | | TRAIN | - | [roll type] [stat] [attack range] [weapon type] [skill] | Train in a specific type of roll (stacks with other training). | | SPEC | - | [roll type] [stat] [attack range] [weapon type] [skill] | Specialize in a specific type of roll. | | INABILITY | - | [roll type] [stat] [attack range] [weapon type] [skill] | Gain inability in a specific type of roll. | #### Advantage / Disadvantage | Effect | Value | Descriptors | Notes | | ----------- | ----- | -------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ADV | - | [roll type] [stat] [skill] | Causes d20 rolls to instead roll 2d20 and keep the highest | | DISADV | - | [roll type] [stat] [skill] | Causes d20 rolls to instead roll 2d20 and keep the lowest | | GRANTADV | - | [roll type] [stat] [skill] | Causes d20 rolls that target the creature with this effect to instead roll 2d20 and keep the highest | | GRANTDISADV | - | [roll type] [stat] [skill] | Causes d20 rolls that target the creature with this effect to instead roll 2d20 and keep the lowest | #### NPC Modification | Effect | Value | Descriptors | Notes | | ------ | ------ | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | LEVEL | Number | [roll type] [stat] | Modifies the level of an NPC, which affects their difficulty | * \[roll type] = stat, skill, attack/atk, defense/def, init, heal * \[stat] = might, speed, intellect * \[skill] = any skill name * \[damage type] = any damage type. if no damage type is specified, then the damage type is treated as untyped 'generic' damage. * \[attack range] = immediate, short, long, very long * \[weapon type] = light, medium, heavy * \* If a roll has a modifier greater than 3, it will be converted to the appropriate difficulty reduction. ### Conversion Effects These effects allow a character to swap one stat out for another. "Original stat" refers to the stat the stat that would be used if there were no conversion effect. "New stat" refers to the stat that the player can choose to use instead of the original stat. If you specify "any" or "all" for the original stat, the player will be prompted when any stat is used for the given action If you specify "any" or "all" for the new stat, then the character will be allowed to choose any stat to replace the original stat with for the given action | Effect | Notes | | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | CONVERT(defense, [new stat]): [original stat] | When a character would make a defense roll matching the [original stat], the defense prompt will allow the player to select the [new stat] instead. | | CONVERT(cost, [new stat]): [original stat] | When a character would spend stats for effort or to activate an ability, if the stat spent matches the [original stat], the player will be prompted to choose either the [original stat] or the [new stat]. | ### Conditional Effects Both the IF and IFT functions test a condition, and if that condition is found to be true, then the rest of the effect is carried out. If the condition is not true, then it is ignored. Any IF and IFT conditions can inverted by specifying NOT prior to the effect (e.g. IF: NOT HALE or IF: NOT MIGHT(max)) | Effect | Notes | | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | IF: [condition or conditional operator] | Ignores the remainder of the effect components within the effect label, unless the source actor has the specified condition. | | IFT: [condition or conditional operator] | Ignores the remainder of the effect components within the effect label, unless the opposing actor has the specified condition. | | Condition / Comparison | Notes | | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | HALE | If the character is a PC, then this returns true if the character is hale. If the character is an NPC, this returns true if the NPC has greater than 66% of its hp remaining. | | IMPAIRED | If the character is a PC, then this returns true if the character is impaired. If the character is an NPC, this returns true if the NPC has between 33% and 66% of its hp remaining. | | DEBILITATED | If the character is a PC, then this returns true if the character is debilitated. If the character is an NPC, this returns true if the NPC has fewer than 33% of its hp remaining. | | WOUNDED | Returns true if the character has taken any damage. | | MIGHT([value OR "max"]) | Compares the character's Might stat be equal to either to a given value (specified as [value]) or to the character's maximum Might (specified as "max"). Only works for PCs | | MIGHT([> OR < OR >= OR <=][value OR "max"]) | As above, but compares based on the specified comparison operation | | SPEED([value OR "max"]) | Compares the character's Speed stat to be equal either to a given value (specified as [value]) or to the character's maximum Speed (specified as "max"). Only works for PCs | | SPEED([> OR < OR >= OR <=][value OR "max"]) | As above, but compares based on the specified comparison operation | | INTELLECT([value OR "max"]) | Compares the character's Intellect stat to be equal either to a given value (specified as [value]) or to the character's maximum Intellect (specified as "max"). Only works for PCs | | INTELLECT([> OR < OR >= OR <=][value OR "max"]) | As above, but compares based on the specified comparison operation | | LEVEL([value]) | Compares an NPC's Level to be equal to a given value (specified as [value]). Only works for NPCs | | LEVEL([> OR < OR >= OR <=][value]) | As above, but compares based on the specified comparison operation | ### Conditions These are singular effects that apply a combination of effects an easy to remember shorthand | Conditions | Effect | |-------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Dazed | Hinders attack and defense rolls made by this creature, or eases attacks made against this creature | | Staggered | Hinders Might attack and defense rolls made by this creature, or eases Might attacks made against this creature | | Frostbitten | Hinders Speed attack and defense rolls made by this creature, or eases Speed attacks made against this creature | | Confused | Hinders Intellect attack and defense rolls made by this creature, or eases Intellect attacks made against this creature |