July 23, 2024 #### #### Links [Transistor](https://share.transistor.fm/s/86a04030) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/show/3DBRCVFep0YbYeLPcVVXQv) [Apple Podcasts](https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/essential-dynamics-with-derek-hudson/id1542392917) [Podcast Addict](https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/essential-dynamics-with-derek-hudson/3153944) #### Summary Dave and Derek explore reasons organizations might at stay comfortably stuck...but comfortable is more risky than you might think. #### Concepts - [[Being Stuck]] - [[Growth]] #### Quotes >There is no end of challenges we can take on. There's no reason to be comfortably stuck. >It is better to be fighting for growth than it is to be complacent... and lose your ambition as an organization or as a person. >I'm more interested in how could you issue that call to adventure to an organization and recapture people's imaginations. >If you're not training in that ability to take on challenge, when things do change, you may not be ready for it. >Comfortable to me is just risky. >There is no growth in the comfort zone - Jocko Willink. >Choose your hard. Do you want the pain of training, or the pain of having poor health? Let's get the productive pain. >How do you get moving? You have to get connected with the customer and the purpose of the organization. >New insight alert!: Because there is conflict or tension between your two purposes, that is going to introduce enough to help break the inertia, to help move the organization forward. >If you really understand the dynamic nature of your purposes, you can't say, "We've got this figured out." #### See also - [The Innovator's Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book that Will Change the Way You Do Business](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2615.The_Innovator_s_Dilemma) Clayton M. Christensen - [[No Growth in the Comfort Zone - Willink]] - [[Purpose X and Purpose Y]] %% Outtakes >There is no end of challenges we can take on. There's no reason to be comfortably stuck > >I don't think it's good to be comfortably stuck. >I don't think it's good for an organization to say, "Well we've got this figured out, we're fine." There's an inevitable deterioration that is going to happen, and so it is better to be fighting for growth than it is to be complacent and then lose your ground and lose your position and lose your ambition as an organization or as a person. ![[Pasted image 20240722172725.png]]