**May 2, 2023** #### #### Links [Transistor](https://share.transistor.fm/s/addb0f95) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6XTJTtSkWY15Bf7Mj1XLjK) [Google Podcasts](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL2Vzc2VudGlhbC1keW5hbWljcy13aXRoLWRlcmVrLWh1ZHNvbg/episode/ZWUwN2E0NzItZjA4YS00MTc0LWFhNTQtOTAzNTg2MmZkOTU2?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwiA2dSu8tb-AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ) [Apple Podcasts](https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/why-do-you-put-up-with-it/id1542392917?i=1000611448415) [Podcast Addict](https://podcastaddict.com/episode/https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.transistor.fm%2Faddb0f95%2Ff76c20af.mp3&podcastId=3153944) #### Summary Reed and Derek talk about how people and organizations get stuck and wonder why we put up with being stuck. ![[_Essential Dynamics Wiki/4. Images/Essential-Cover-1.png]] #### Concepts - [[Being Stuck]] #### Quotes >You can solve easy problems, you can solve hard problems, but you get to the point where there are problems you can't solve and then that's where you stay. >There is so much power in aligning everyone's efforts to the purpose...If you're not in agreement on the purpose, then by definition, you're stuck. >If you are a for-profit business, yes, you need to make money, but if you don't have a soul, if there's not some purpose you can rally employees behind, then you're buying people's time and attention in a series of transactions that's going to be exhausting to keep up on. >If it's so bad, why do you put up with it? >Don't millions upon millions upon millions of people get used to the bad day, get used to being stuck, and have no faith that whatever is different will be better? >We're stuck because the solution is hard. >I was stuck. Everything I could do was hard. But I did one hard thing, and then it was good. And I had a great day after that. >One of the things that keeps us stuck then, is when we get a clear idea of what we have to do to get out of it, and it looks hard. So one of the things that we can learn from that is, let's embrace the hardness of being stuck, to the point where we're not going to put up with it anymore. >One of the other reasons that organizations get stuck is because they forget that the people they work with are individuals, are real people, and they treat them like objects...That's an interesting way to think that you're stuck, because you've got everything figured out but the people. # See also - [[Episode 53 Season 2 Finale - Blessed With Abundance]] - [[Episode 57 Domenico Lapore - Getting Unstuck]] %% # Prep Thinking about sharing some of the top 10 ways we can feel stuck. 1. negative self-reinforcing loop (core conflict) 2. disagreement on the purpose or the problem 3. we get to used to putting up with the problem 4. the solution is hard and we don't want to do it 5. we're working at the wrong level in the system (local optimization) 6. we have a core purpose (Y) that is unstated 7. we are treating people like objects, not as real individuals 8. bad or unchallenged assumptions 9. we are too comfortable to notice we are stuck 10. entrenched positions or ideological solutions [[[[230510 Unconstrained]]]]