**September 24, 2024** #### #### Links [Transistor](https://share.transistor.fm/s/383b5453) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/show/3DBRCVFep0YbYeLPcVVXQv) [Apple Podcasts](https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/essential-dynamics-with-derek-hudson/id1542392917) [Podcast Addict](https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/essential-dynamics-with-derek-hudson/3153944) #### Summary The cost of systems dysfunction is high. Let me count the ways... #### Concepts - [[Being Stuck]] - [[System Dysfunction]] #### Quotes >Circling back to the question of the consequences of systems dysfunction, the consequences are both financial to the system, as well as the customer experience... It has impacts on performance as well as your future. >You could invest the effort in getting the system to flow; instead you are trying to patch up and remediate because it didn't flow. >Let's talk about the consequences of systems dysfunction as an employee. It's demoralizing to be given a task, ... and then, within the organization, not be able to get to the information that you need to complete the task, to complete the task and then not be able to report it to your [internal] customer because they are too busy, or to hand your work in and then see nothing change in the system. At some point you approach your new tasks with less enthusiasm. You impact your energy flow. >The cost of a bad system isn't just felt by the customer, if's felt by the participants as well. >The other thing that gets lost with systems dysfunction is any kind of visibility to where the real problems are. >If you have systems dysfunction, and you are in the middle of it, you have no way of actually being able to improve the system. >As soon as things go back towards the silos, as soon as you are working on a piece in isolation, you are increases the chances of dysfunction. >To what degree are we experiencing system dysfunction? And why do we put up with it? >The cost of systems dysfunction is so high, in productivity and in feeling good about yourself as a person, and as a customer, that I don't think we should accept it. #### See also - [[System Flow]] - [[Episode 71 Why Do You Put Up With It]] - [[Episode 101 If You Have a Systems Problem]]