Hello. I'm El. Welcome to my notes. They are incomplete and scattered, and I will hopefully continue to work on them and flesh them out in new and interesting ways in the coming years. I am in university, and many of these notes are related to the courses I've taken. I believe they are protected under fair use. I am currently publishing through Obsidian Publish, but I intend to use other means once I have the time to do so. I am not currently including a list to all of my files, but here are some interesting places to get started: ##### courses I switched my note-taking system around some between these, and haven't exported much over. If you're looking to learn about computer science or the brain... it's probably best to look elsewhere, but here's what I have. You can check out a list of notes linked to a tag by clicking on it, like this one: #biopsychology . > [Neuroinformatics](Neuroinformatics.md). Taught by Erdem Varol in Spring 2024. > [UNIX System Programming](UNIX%20System%20Programming.md). Taught by John Sterling in Spring 2024. > [Parallel & Distributed Systems](Parallel%20&%20Distributed%20Systems.md). Taught by Jeff Epstein in Fall 2022. > [Linear Algebra and Differential Equations](Linear%20Algebra%20and%20Differential%20Equations.md). Taught by Lindsay Van Wagenen in Fall 2022. > [virtual reality](virtual%20reality.md). Taught by Qi Sun in Fall 2022. > [Ethics and Technology](Ethics%20and%20Technology.md). Taught by Maggie Jack in Summer 2022. > [Biopsychology](Biopsychology.md). Taught by David Melcher at NYU Abu Dhabi, in Spring 2022. > [Perception](Perception.md). Taught by Peter Volcic at NYU Abu Dhabi, in Spring 2022. > [computer architecture](computer%20architecture.md). Taught by Jeff Epstein in Fall 2021. > [Algorithms](Algorithms.md). Taught by Boris Aronov in Fall 2021. > [Artificial Intelligence](Artificial%20Intelligence.md). Taught by Ed Wong in Fall 2021. ##### work notes > [LangChain](LangChain.md). My work with Qiqo involves learning a version of this written in Ruby. (2023) > [python](python.md). Some tutoring notes.