* Tags:: #🗣️Talks, [[Data team roles]] * Author:: [[Emilie Schario]] (high data roles in Gitlab, Netlify...) * Link:: [Down with "data science" (w/ Emilie Schario) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmFhOJhJ_aI) * Source date:: [[2021-12-13]] * Read date:: [[2021-12-29]] The core of the talk is that [[Data Science]] (or Data Scientist as a role title) is an ambiguous or directly misleading term and we should get rid of it. "Science" means following the scientific method and doing experimentation. Not many orgs do that and the ones that really do it, it is just a tiny slice of the real work of the DS. Instead, the role titles should refer to the skills people have, which she believes it's these four: Data Engineer, Analytics Engineer, Data Analyst, and Machine Learning Engineer: ![[Pasted image 20220102141524.png]] ^2ca614 Also interesting, types of work of a data team [[Data team vision and mission]] ![[Pasted image 20220102141925.png]] [[SWE hiring best practices]]: Emilie says she is hiring for "floor sweepers", people who is willing to do whatever works that needs to be done. But that the title should reflect the work a person is doing the most.