The `main` function serves as the entry point for the [[Distillery Master]] script. It sets up the necessary components, starts the main event loop, and handles any exceptions that occur during execution. ```python async def main(): try: aws_manager = await AWSManager.get_instance() aws_manager.setup_logging() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() queue_task = loop.create_task(check_queue_and_create()) while True: await asyncio.sleep(1) except asyncio.CancelledError: aws_manager.print_log('N/A', INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER, "Main function cancelled.", level='INFO') except Exception as e: formatted_exception = better_exceptions.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) formatted_traceback = ''.join(formatted_exception) aws_manager.print_log('N/A', INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER, formatted_traceback, level='ERROR') finally: queue_task.cancel() try: await queue_task except asyncio.CancelledError: aws_manager.print_log('N/A', INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER, "Queue task cancelled.", level='INFO') await aws_manager.close_database_conn() aws_manager.print_log('N/A', INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER, "Main function cleanup complete.", level='INFO') ``` ### Function Breakdown 1. The `main` function is defined as an asynchronous function using the `async def` syntax. [[ELI5 explanation of Asynchronous programming by ChatGPT]] 2. Inside the `try` block: - It retrieves an instance of the [[AWSManager]] class using `await AWSManager.get_instance()`. - It sets up the logging configuration using `aws_manager.setup_logging()`. - It retrieves the event loop using `asyncio.get_event_loop()`. - It creates a new task for the `check_queue_and_create` function [[Master check_queue_and_create]] using `loop.create_task(check_queue_and_create())` and assigns it to the `queue_task` variable. - It enters an infinite loop using `while True` and awaits for 1 second using `await asyncio.sleep(1)` to keep the main event loop running. 3. If an `asyncio.CancelledError` is raised (e.g., when the script is interrupted or cancelled), it logs an info message indicating that the main function was cancelled using `aws_manager.print_log()`. 4. If any other exception occurs during the execution of the `try` block, it formats the exception using `better_exceptions.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())` and logs the formatted traceback as an error using `aws_manager.print_log()`. 5. In the `finally` block, which is executed regardless of whether an exception occurred or not: - It cancels the `queue_task` using `queue_task.cancel()` to stop the `check_queue_and_create` function. - It wraps the `await queue_task` in a `try` block to handle any `asyncio.CancelledError` that may be raised when cancelling the task. - If an `asyncio.CancelledError` is raised, it logs an info message indicating that the queue task was cancelled using `aws_manager.print_log()`. - It closes the database connection using `await aws_manager.close_database_conn()`. - It logs an info message indicating that the main function cleanup is complete using `aws_manager.print_log()`. 6. Outside the `main` function, the script starts the asynchronous execution using ``, which runs the `main` function until it completes. ### Summary The `main` function sets up the necessary components for the [[Distillery Master]] script, including retrieving an instance of the [[AWSManager]] class, setting up logging, and creating a task for the `check_queue_and_create` function [[Master check_queue_and_create]]. It enters an infinite loop to keep the main event loop running and handles any exceptions that may occur during execution. In the `finally` block, it performs cleanup tasks such as cancelling the `queue_task`, closing the database connection, and logging relevant messages. The script starts the asynchronous execution by calling ``.