## Definition
> [!tldr] Definition
> A **tree** is a [[graph]] which is [[Connected graph|connected]] and which contains no [[Paths|cycles]].
- A collection of trees is called a **forest**. That is, a forest is a [[graph]] that has no [[Paths|cycles]] (but which might be disconnected).
- In a tree, there is a unique path between any two vertices. That is, given any two vertices, there exists a path from one to the other; and only one such path exists.
## Examples
An example of a tree:
Another example:
Each of the [[Graph|graphs]] below is a tree, used to model molecular structure in chemistry:
This [[graph]] below on the left is not a tree, because it contains a [[Paths|cycle]] ([source](https://www.gatevidyalay.com/tree-data-structure-tree-terminology/)):
The image below, taken to be a single [[graph]] with three [[Connected graph|components]], is not a tree, because it is not [[Connected graph|connected]]. But, we can think of it as a forest.
## Resources

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