Strategic Foresight is a planning- and action-oriented model to do focused [[Futures Exploration]], often used in [[Innovation Management]] in organizations. ## Methodology & phases * **Framing**: Scoping the project, defining the focal issue and current conditions. * **Scanning**: Exploring signals of change or indicators of the futures. * **Forecasting**: Identifying a baseline and alternative futures, usually categorized as possible, plausible, probable and preferable futures. * **Visioning**: Developing and committing to a preferred future, stating primary and secondary implications as well as short- and long-term consequences (intended and unintended). This is where [[Diminished Perceived Value of Change]] would be mitigated. * **Designing**: Developing prototypes, offerings or artifacts to achieve to achieve the vision and goals, for example via [[Design Fiction]]. * **Adapting**: Enabling organizations to generate options to alternatives futures, for example with guidance, messaging, action plans and learning materials. ## Foresight frame of reference This includes framing & scanning - it's essentially a specific version of the [[Futures Exploration#Frame of reference]]. Questions to answer: 1) **Focus issue**: What do we want to learn about the future of the issue? 2) **Patterns & trends**: What patterns or trends do you see that drive the focus issue for you? 3) **Change driver**: What shifts and triggers are driving these patterns of change / trends? 4) **Envision a future**: Create a plausible world / scenario / product / object influenced and shaped by these trends and change drivers. ## Foresight analysis This phase analyzes the created scenario and the aspects it describes, similar to [[Futures Assessment]]. Questions to answer: 1) **Future stakeholders**: How different are the stakeholders of the future, for example audiences, customers, manufacturers etc. of the future? 2) **Needs & values**: What are the new experiences and expectations? For example based on [[Digital Expectations]]. ## Foresight recommendations Base on the analysis, this phase then creates recommendations around specific dimensions. Questions to answer: 1) **Capabilities & resources**: How are you creating and delivering the value? 2) **People**: What talents and skill do you need? 3) **Technology**: What will power the idea of the future? 4) **Business model**: How are you going to generate revenue?