Performativity is the concept that language can function as a form of social action and have the effect of change. There are a lot of studies around anthropology, linguistics and social studies, including concepts like identity and truth. ## Identity Philosopher and gender theorist [Judith Butler]( "Judith Butler") argued that [gender is socially constructed]( "Social construction of gender") through commonplace [speech acts]( "Speech act") and [nonverbal communication]( "Nonverbal communication") that are performative. It assumes that actions, behaviors, and gestures are both the result of an individual's identity ("I act like this because of the person I am") as well as contributing to one's identity ("I am like this because I act like it"). This is similar to the concept of the [[Magic Circle]] in [[Virtual Worlds]] design where players can explore these identity constructs by performing an identity they see separate from their own. ## Organizations Organizations and [[Brand]] can also engage in performativity. [[Brand#Brands as personification]] act a certain way to create a desirable identity and are driven to act a certain way to be desirable. For example acting a certain way or embracing certain technologies to create a [[Story Stock]].