# GeoNomini
## Copyright Information
GeoNomini Version 0.3 | Copyright 2024 Dexter Bravo
Released under [CC-BY-SA 4.0 License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en)
Consider The Law you produce while playing a Nomini to be a derivative work. If you publish it anywhere, you must include the following attribution and license notice, replacing the bits in square brackets with the appropriate information:
> [Your Nomini] is published under the [CC-BY-SA 4.0 License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en).
> This Nomini traces its development through the following Nominis:
> - [Nomini v0.7 by Chloe Baldwin (Crowsworth)](https://crowsworth.itch.io/nomini)
> - [GeoNomini v0.3 by Dexter Bravo (Mr. Vortex)](https://publish.obsidian.md/dexters-ideaverse/Portfolio/Personal+Projects/GeoNomini)
> - [a line for each other Nomini leading up to your own]
> If you make a Nomini based on this one, in addition to the Nominis attributed above, add the following to your attribution:
> [Your Nomini] [version/edition/date] by [your agreed-upon attribution]: [wherever the game can be accessed, acquired or inquired about]
# The Constitution of GeoNomini
## Article 1. The Spirit of GeoNomini
GeoNomini is a type of [Nomic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomic) that is specifically geared towards collaboratively building and exploring a shared fictional world. We'll create locations, characters, objects, events, and more, shaping a living, breathing world through our collective imagination. We'll also define and pursue Scenarios within this world, creating stories and adventures together. Anything can happen when you play GeoNomini—the goal is to enjoy the collaborative creation, exploration, and storytelling.
## Article 2. The World and The Law
At the start of the game, the players shall ratify a charter founding their GeoNomini, signing themselves on as players thereof and putting into effect this Constitution. GeoNomini is played in turns with the game organizer usually going first, and proceeding in a clockwise fashion around the table, or in alphabetical order if using an online chat or forum, or in any other manner agreed upon beforehand.
"The World" encompasses all locations, characters, objects, events, creatures, and other elements created by the players. The initial state of The World may be defined through a collaborative brainstorming session or by adopting a pre-existing setting. A theme is often chosen to help spur the players' imaginations and point them all in a similar direction such as space opera, medieval fantasy, gothic horror, etc.
"The Law" consists of this Constitution and any rules governing Worldbuilding, Scenario creation, and gameplay. All players must abide by The Law as it is currently in effect.
## Article 3. Actions
On their turn, players may take exactly one of any action not prohibited by The Law by publicizing their intent and the effects of their action. An action succeeds if it meets all requirements and passes all tests specified by The Law. If no requirements or tests are specified, it succeeds automatically. Actions which succeed go into effect at the end of the acting player's turn. Once the acting player has taken their turn, play proceeds to the next player in turn order.
To publicize, also publication, is to make something unambiguously known to all players in all necessary detail. The method of publication varies depending on the medium of play, usually passing around a written record kept in a notebook, or posting digitally to a forum, chat, shared document, or email thread where all players have access.
### 3. a. Legislation
Actions that add to or modify The Law must be publicized in an unambiguously finalized and permanent form and shall be put to a vote by all players, where each player may either approve or not approve the action, to succeed if an absolute majority approves.
### 3. b. Worldbuilding
Actions that add to or modify The World must be publicized in sufficient detail to be understood by all players. This includes:
- **Creation:** Describing new locations, characters, objects, events, etc.
- **Modification:** Altering existing elements of The World. Worldbuilding actions can target anything already in The World no matter who originally created it.
Worldbuilding actions are subject to a vote by all players. The action succeeds if an absolute majority approves. Although Worldbuilding actions may target things created by other players, they cannot directly contradict what has already been established, unless the repercussions for doing so require minimal rewriting of history, such as changing the name of a minor character who recently came into play.
### 3. c. Scenario Definition
Scenarios define a specific focus within The World that all players will work towards resolving. A Scenario may be broad, such as defining an era or span of time, or specific, such as finding out which side wins in a battle.
At the start of the game, the first Scenario is proposed by the starting player, usually the game organizer. If their Scenario proposal is not approved, the next player in turn order makes their own Scenario proposal, and so forth. On later turns, any player may propose a Scenario as long as there isn't one currently in effect. Their proposal must be in the form of a Scenario Definition. A Scenario Definition must include:
- **Title:** A concise name for the scenario.
- **Description:** A summary of the scenario's premise, including answers to any or all of the questions 'where,' 'when,' 'who,' and 'why.'
- **Completion Criteria:** Clear conditions that define when the scenario is considered "resolved."
Scenario proposals are subject to a vote by all players. The proposal succeeds if an absolute majority approves.
### 3. d. Scenario Participation and Resolution
Once a Scenario is accepted, players may participate by taking actions within The World that contribute to the scenario's resolution. These actions are subject to the standard action rules (3. b. Worldbuilding, above, and 3. f. Other Actions, below).
When the Completion Criteria of a Scenario are met, any player may call for a "Scenario Resolution Vote." If an absolute majority agrees that the criteria are met, the scenario is considered resolved.
### 3. e. Calls for Judgment
A Call for Judgment (CFJ) over cases of uncertainty in the interpretation of The Law, the validity of a Worldbuilding action, the interpretation of a Scenario's Completion Criteria, or any perceived violation of The Law, shall succeed if seconded. The acting player must include in their publication a summary of the question or case at issue.
### 3. f. Other Actions
Unless defined elsewhere in The Law, all other actions shall be put to a vote by all players, where each player may either approve or object. The action succeeds if the number of approvals exceeds a third of the players plus one for each objection.
## Article 4. Judgment
Upon the success of a Call for Judgment, the players shall elect a judge to rule on the issue. Every player, except the player who made the CFJ and those whose actions are at issue, is an eligible candidate. Each player may object to any or all of the candidates, including themselves. The single candidate with the fewest objections shall be appointed judge. If no candidate avails, the CFJ ends with no ruling.
It is the duty of the judge to deliver a fair ruling on the issue for which they have been elected. Each player shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their position and argument on the issue for the judge to consider. Thereafter, with due deliberation, the judge shall publicize their final ruling. Said ruling is effective from the moment of its publication.
Rulings may freely enact any rule or effect within the bounds of the issue, but may only institute persistent changes to the game, such as overruling future judgment, ousting players, or changing The Law, by issuing them as one or more actions.
## Article 5. End States
In GeoNomini, there are no winners or losers. Below are some suggestions for possible end states you could use to help determine a satisfying stopping point for your game. Players may propose one of the end states described here, or one of their own design.
- **The Final Scenario:** A player could propose a Scenario in which the Completion Criteria requires that the world ends, or at least the threads we are following are entirely resolved. Play continues with each player gradually building towards the end state. When this Scenario resolves, the game is over.
- **Narrative Completion:** The game ends when the players collectively feel that they have explored the most compelling aspects of the world they created.
- **World Saturation:** The game ends once a defined "saturation point" is reached. This could be based on the number of locations, characters, or other elements created. Once the world reaches a certain level of detail, the game could be considered "complete."
- **World Destruction:** The game ends when the world is destroyed by an extinction-level event. Decide whether the disaster was natural, or caused with intent by some powerful force.
## Article 6. Life and Renewal
Players may leave the game freely. Players may add newcomers to the charter with a vote by following Article 3. f. Other Actions, except this kind of action does not use your action for turn and may be done by any player at any time.
Play GeoNomini until you have discovered all there is to know about your world. Play until your world is perfect. Play until you reach an end state. Play for as long as you are enjoying it. Play until you want to explore a new world and then start a new GeoNomini. If that new GeoNomini is based on the one you're playing right now, that's called a Renewal. The founders of a Renewal are free to copy The Law in full or in part, to edit or alter it, and to add to it rules of their own devising or from other Nominis.
Let GeoNomini be held in common by all.
## Article 7. Discord-Specific Rules
To vote ***for*** a proposal, react to it with a `:white_check_mark:` (✅). To vote ***against*** a proposal, react to it with `:x:` (❌). To indicate that you were present but decline to vote for or against, react with `:zzz:` (💤). You may not vote on your own proposal.
### 7. a. Time Commitment
In order to accommodate this game into everyone's daily life, a period of 48 hours will be given to each player to take their turn starting from the time the previous player's turn ended. You will be @tagged personally when it is your turn. Once the 48 hours is up, the next player will be @tagged to take their turn instead. This game is designed to take place over a long period of time, so don't worry if you miss a turn! There will be many opportunities to make your voice heard.
After you take your turn, the rest of the players will have 24 hours to vote, at which point the votes will be tallied.