> "I use the Pensieve. One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one's mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one's leisure. It becomes easier to spot patterns and links, you understand, when they are in this form." > <cite>Albus Dumbledore</cite> I needed a better name for my vault than "Obsidian" or "\_vault". Then I had the idea that I should use the concept of the *Pensieve* from the *Harry Potter* series. It was something Dumbledore was putting extracted memories into to look at again later. Upon looking it up, I found the quote above and... Yeah, pretty much sums up Obsidian. <aside>I've been looking into various HTML tags in order to semantically format things a bit better, too</aside> # Start Here Here are some good jumping off points: - [[30.00 My Projects]] - Take a look at my personal coding projects - [[50.00 Index]] - Notes about mental health, particularly procrastination - More to come ## Index I've started to organize this vault with numbers vaguely along the lines of [[Johnny Decimal]], but not quite as strict. All of this is subject to change at any moment, but here is what I have so far ### First Number: Area | Category - 00-09: Pensieve Meta - 00 Overal meta - 01 Journal — daily notes and day plans - 02 People — all the person notes - 03 Bookshelf — notes from books, articles, etc. May end up outside of meta eventually. Dunno how to organize it yet. - 09 Test — random, meaningless test notes - 10-19: Life — personal stuff about my life that needs to be organized - 20-29: Proffessional Work - 30-39: Personal dev (Obsidian, etc) - 40-49: {reserved for future use} - 50+ Digital garden: abstract thoughts and concepts - 50-59: Mental health - 60-69: Personal Knowledge Management ### AC.(1) - AC.(9) — category meta - (1) inbox — transient notes that may need to be sorted and solidified still - (2) media — files, mainly attachments for other notes - (3) templates — templates or transclusions used across the project - (9) archive — anything old or outdated that is still hanging around