# Synopsis A persons ability to use their [[Expertise]] in the appropriate environment. # Links [[Expertise]] [[Reasoning]] [[Memory]] [[Cognition]] # Points **Crystallised intelligence** depends on knowledge, skills and experience whereas **fluid intelligence** involves a rapid understanding of novel relationships. ^[[[@Thoughty2WhyIntelligent2020]]] ^types-of-intelligence ## Artificial intelligence **Artificial intelligence** involves constructing computer systems producing intelligent outcomes but typically in ways different from humans. **Deep blue**, the computer IBM computer that beat Garry Kasparov in 1997 at chess processed up to 200 million positions per second, which is far more than a chess player. The IBM computer **Watson** competed on American quiz show Jeopardy against most successful contestants Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings in 2011. Watson had the advantage of 10 million documents (200 million pages of content) but was less sensitive to the subtleties of questions. ^AI **Emotional intelligence** is a [[Learning|learned]] ability, to perceive what moods you and other are in, understand different emotions, controlling what emotions to use, and help you and others manage emotions. Autistic individuals are not emotionally intelligent so maybe they see through the emotional distractions. ^[[[Emotional intelligence podcast]]] ^emotional-intelligence The **Flynn effect** shows that our IQ is increasing each decade. ^[[[Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents]]] ^flynn-effect # To do - [[The Flynn effect - A meta-analysis. - PsycNET]] Intelligence - aquire process use information AIQ measure how they think AIQ in baseball NFL etc Visual difficulties causing an issue in intelligence Stripping away information (simplify communication) [[Flexible thinking in competitive mindset]] Smart is no longer memorization. It’s not worth much. Smart is no longer access to information. Everyone has that. Smart is: • Situational awareness • Clarity of goals • Good taste • Empathy for others • The ability to make decisions that further your goals The good news is that smart is a choice, and smart is a skill. [[@June9Areyou2022]] cognitive miser - your brain hates thinking. it tries to find solutions to problems by using the least amount of energy possible we don't often second guess oursevles using biased - heuristics standardized tests for intelligence useless real world application 70 IQ or below - more likey to have been in trouble 140+ better jobs mindware it is a set of brain tools - david perkins rules are brain lives by mindware gaps gaps in our knowledge can't know everything rational and intelligent are different things having evidence dysrationalia - the inability tothink and behave rationally despite having adequate intlligence fluid intelligence - your capacity to think logically and solve problems crystallised intelligence - your bank of collective knowledge, information warehouse stored permanantely in your neocortex [[@Thoughty2WhyIntelligent2020]] lateral thinking creative thinking is hard case study - photography Ives process of printing dots breakdown see relationships between concepts gather new material - learn thorougly work with materials in your mind step away from the problem let your idea return shape you idea on feedback [[for a more creative brain follow these 5 steps]] falling apple idea was a beginning of thought creative thinking is a process making connections between seemingly unrelated ideas creativity is a skill that can improved threshold theory ![[Pasted image 20220303211654.png]] fixed or growth mindset look for growth mindset focus on process not outcome constrain yourself for more creatives write more broaden your knowledge sleep longer sunshine and nature embrace positive thinking broaden and build theory ship it - on a consistent basis [[Creativity Is a Process, Not an Event]] stupidity is a moral defect not intellectual people can be made stupid groups are more stupid than individuals people give up an autonomous decision talking to them you may get slogans not individual thought [[Bonhoeffers Theory of Stupidity]] The clearest sign of intellectual chemistry isn't agreeing with someone. It's enjoying your disagreements with them. [[hierarchy of thinking styles thread]] global knowledge - internet (Wikipedia) -[[Founder of Wikipedia on homeschooling]] Expertise in knowledge is immeasurable until it is applied to practice. [[Knowing you know]] p hacking is a problem sample size needed to be considered people looking for significant differences rather than dealing with reproducability issues [[Is Most Published Research Wrong]] What is taught today, at least with respect to the content of a domain, is out-of-date tomorrow multimedia learning (Mayer & Moreno [[@kirschnerCognitiveloadtheory2002]] knowledge needs context [[back to my routes of learning]] Learning is the start of misunderstanding and the end of understanding, not the other way around. [[learning is misunderstanding]] memorization is not understanding recognizing is not remembering [[Marty Lobdell - Study Less Study Smart]] intelligence is relative - relative deprevation theory [[Why You Shouldnt Go to Harvard]] Why not all contribute to an encyclopedia of neutral science - Wikipedia. [[Why have a personal wiki]] crystalize intelligence fluid intelligence stupid people are less likely to quesiton so are more confident dunning kruger effect [[The Truth Why Stupid People Think Theyre Smart]] Learning is a cycle of observations, questioning, acting, and reflecting. Taking notes can be a part of each of those stages you can; remember the observation expand on the questions record what happened or what could have happened reflect on the past and plan for the future Knowledge is not learning, nor does it mean understanding or intelligence. Knowledge is what we put in our notes, and the narratives we store them in, to help us form deeper understandings of the meaningful topics of research. [[Notetaking is not the end]] Staying up to date with the worlds expanding knowledge base is impossible. In the age of information, there is always something new you could be looking at. So creating benchmarks or checkpoints for your ideas, thoughts and knowledge can help you stay up to date with your expanding knowledge. Forgetting is something we rely on and need, but when we go back to something it is inconvenient to start again. Starting from a checkpoints helps you kick start that journey again. That is what working notes should be. Not finished notes with conclusions, but checkpoints of thought processes for revisiting in the future. [[Staying up to date]] We can know lots of facts and not understand anything that we can remember. Knowing something is about remembering information. Understanding something is about using long-term memory using imagination to create a result from our own thinking. This makes understanding context specific. So when explaining something, the level of understanding needs to be reachable for the learner. [[Knowing is not understanding]] A competent person is not someone who has acquired complex, sophisticated, cognitive strategies that can be used in a variety of unrelated areas rather, competence is domain specific [[@SwellerCognitiveLoad2011]] knowledge stack - personal monopoly what you and only you can help you with house talks about specific knowledge not repeatable knowledge personal monopoly doesn't finish [[How to Use Your Specific Knowledge]] Your intelligence cannot be measured by a number. It is defined by your willingness to learn, solve problems and try new things. You are more than just a number. Develop your skills. Share your brilliant ideas. Your skills are more valuable than your grades. [[intelligence cant be measured]] intuition is subconscious pattern recognition patterns in one world don't follow another one [[Legendary Psychologist Adam Grant on Why Leadership is All About Humility, Integrity and Adaptation]] Belonging to an academy, a place of learning, meant your were from Academia back in 1580 when Plato was teaching at an academy. The word "academic" has evolved over time remaining focused on the theoretical aspects of study, but has expanded to include schools, colleges, and higher educational institutions as sources. As the internet has become a source of information, knowledge, and discussion, it would make sense to include the internet in the sources of academia. We can argue back and fourth weather the internet has the same level of scrutiny about things being shared, but what is true is that there are poor sources, both on the internet, and in academic discussions. As someone who has a BSc in sports coaching and an MSc in strength and conditioning, I can say the most valuable skill I learned over the 5 years in higher education was how to learn. It is down to the individual to decide what is reliable, trustworthy, and repeatable. How to interpret the information with critique, or synthesis using references. What to look for in the methods, discussion, and conclusion to avoid biased viewpoints or manipulated narratives. The rise of internet academics is being supported by the science communicators, online courses, and free online information. An individual with a philosophy of practice, backed by science and research using theory, and developing theory in practice, shouldn't need to be in a higher educational institution to call themselves an academic - someone studying and researching theory. [[The rise of internet academics]] cognitive entretchment (tradition) you can be too knowledgeable you take assumptions for granted become used to a way of thinking way of thinking we don't have [[Legendary Psychologist Adam Grant on Why Leadership is All About Humility, Integrity and Adaptation]] knowledge without immediate utiilty - liberal arts In addition to political theory, they emphasized rhetoric, politics, philosophy, theology, abstract mathematics, and the natural sciences [[Saving the Liberal Arts]] you don't need to be wealthy to be intellegient conversation is the best way to learn knowledge [[Saving the Liberal Arts]] coaches knowledge declarative (knowing) routine knowledge readily available preocedural (doing) steps people perform for a task sport-specific knowledge pedagogy sciences (ologies) tacit / explicit knowledge content knowledge knowledge or skill learned by the student pedagogical knowledge (underpinning education theory of factors affecting student learning) pedagogical content knowledge (unique ways in which content knowledge is conveyed to learners in specific settings) professional knowledge (subject matter, curricular, pedagogical knowledge) expert knowledge (declarative) ologies, sport specific and pedagogical with accompanying procedural knowledge been the main focus of coach education interpersonal knowledge (relaionships with students, educational community, local community) need to interact with people (students, assistants, coaches, parents and others) reciprocally-influential process based on systems of social interactions intrapersonal knowledge (reflection, ethics, dispositions) understanding of oneself (introspection and reflection) virtuosos (heightened "sensitivity to the uniqueness of their lerans and their cultueral contexts") Triad of knowledge former athletes used for professional knowledge athlete ability not correlated with coaching success good habits of thinking, maturity, wisdom, capcaity to reason and make judgments [[@coteIntegrativeDefinitionCoaching2009]] Knowledge is having the right answers. Intelligence is asking the right questions. Wisdom is knowing when to ask the right questions. [[what knowledge is]] Explaining the simple can be harder than we think Don't hide behind humility [[Why humility can be harmful]] illusion of competence seeing inforamtion in front of you such as reading a book doesn't mean you know it seeing or hearing someone come to ac onclusion doesn't mean you know how to get to the that conclusion or explain their argument seraching for something on google gives you the ilusion that the informati is in your brain spending lot sof time with material doesn't mean you know it [[@WillSchoderHowRemember2018]] Better sensor allow for better results from information Understand less how it works More how to use it have a sensor in kitchen snesing low on coffe or food is out of date sends signal to buy new coffe or get new food data privacy [[Building artificial intelligence]] wisdom comes from perspective on experience not age [[The Ultramarathon Man]] 1998: The Extended Mind (paper by Andy Clark & David Chalmers 2010: Supersizing the Mind (book by Andy Clark) 2021: The Extended Mind (book by Annie Murphy Paul) my book will add the how to [[extended cognition tweet]] Did you know that it’s actually possible for you to say, “I don’t know enough about this to have an opinion” [[I dont know]] the only certainty is uncertainty [[15 Paradoxes That Will Change Your Thinking]] meaning of knowledge? is knowledge the same as being correct assertion a linguistic act - either spoken or written - that has a truth value content of assertion is a proposition the underlying meaning of what your saying truth value the state of being either true, or false, or indeterminate all declarative sentences have truth values. declarations that assert something about he past or pesent are either true or false propositional attitude tone of belief or disbelief belief propsitional attitude of truth knowledge justified true belief justification evidence or other support for your belief testimony took teachers word first person observation using previous experience can half false belief but not false knowledge can't have accidental knowledge gettier cases a situation you have justified true belief, but not knowledge [[The Meaning of Knowledge Crash Course Philosophy 7]] **Talent vs. Genius:** Society is good at training talent but terrible at cultivating genius. Talented people are good at hitting targets others can’t hit, but geniuses find targets others can’t see. They are opposite modes of excellence. Talent is predictable, genius is unpredictable. [[50 Ideas That Changed My Life]] There is almost always a perspective or context that can make something you have said, or believe, wrong, unless it is a fact or absolute truth. This means knowledge is about your reasoning and justifications for your beliefs and or actions. Learning therefore requires multiple perspectives which is where we can be wrong more than we are right. [[your always wrong]] there are things on the earth more powerful than you stop waves [[Danny Trejo on Reconciling his Past, REDEEMING Himself, and Living a Life of Service]] information is useful if you understand it [[Ground Up The Bullet Journal]] intelligence can be changed overreaching [[How to grow your brain]] write what your going to say the writing structures what your saying [[The Art of Storytelling with David Perell]] books real books adult knowledge child knowledge [[Conversations 3 - Tiago Forte]] "It depends" is the answer to nearly any issue or problem. Embracing nuance and being okay muddling through uncertainty is a vital skill to develop. Not having an instant answer isn't a sign of hedging or not knowing. It's a sign of deep thinking and consideration. [[it depends is the answer]] Knowledge gives us the ability to make educated decisions, but, knowledge is also greedy. It takes time, energy, and effort to gain, retain, interpret, and use. Having knowledge is one thing, but knowing what to do with it is something entirely different. [[a reason behind knowledge]] A prodigy, savant or genius can be brilliant in some areas of life but limited in others. The time and energy we spend on learning and improving is what moves us forwards, not waiting for time to go by. [[dont let age stop you]] intelligence is interactive and dynamic [[Do schools kill creativity]] confident humility - courage to say I don't know [[What frogs in water can teach us about thinking again]] people misunderstand without information [[How to Approach Conflict, Chaos and Conversations Remotely]] Intelligence increases over time not just with age. Children born in the future will be smarter than those born in the past on average, something known as the [[the flynn effect]]. Experts are smarter than beginners but experts in the future will be smarter than experts in the past. Adults are smarter than children in traditional environments but struggle in younger traditions and cultures. Intelligence is affected by time, environment and context. We are all smarter than some people but not all. [[intelligence is relative]] Research and theory are baselines and fundamental steps to base our exploration of creative work from. [[academic baseline]] Give advice - how, you don't know the problem Ask what their problem is - most the time people won't know their problem, which is why they are talking to someone. [[First target]] We all have a variety of knowledge but no one knows what you know until you tell them. [[Indispensable people]] [[How Intelligence Leads To Avoidance]] the smarter you are the harder it is to rethink [[What frogs in water can teach us about thinking again]] Maybe your unique theory can trigger a pseudo theory of another creator. [[random thoughts]] cognitive level can change - decision making affected by other cognitive load emotional load can also effect cognitive load [[Anticipation and Decision Making in sport]] explicit knowledge v implicit knowledge reasoning why decisions were made - good or bad [[Anticipation and Decision Making in sport]] 500 years ago looks stupid all we know will look silly in the future can improve less certain what if I am wrong what would it mean if I were wrong would being wrong create a better or worse problem for myself and others [[The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck]] Lucy 2 organism pass on knowledge [[the flynn effect]] smarter as time goes on (IQ specific) Google has knowledge so how can we pass it on [[Google as the best teacher]] we are learning more from google, youtube, tiktok and loads of other platforms online than school [[pass on knowledge]] the fact we are in education longer and more people have better nutrition now are probably big factors Tools and technology have potentially been one of the reasons our IQ is has been increasing. It turns out that technology advancement has helped us think more about the hypothetical [[Get smarter without trying]] [[Cognition]] False, misleading and questionable information is all over the internet. Often times, the narrative shapes how plausible the information maybe. [[bad information]]