My newest game. This is a GURPS game set in the Traveller Third Imperium. There is no requirement to know either GURPS or Traveller. I will write a three-minute tutorial to both GURPS and the Third Imperium.
If you wish to play, email me, at
[email protected].
### Index
* [[Aliens]]
* [[Bestiary]]
* [[Characters]]
* [[Common Knowledge]]
* [[Customs of the Imperium]]
* [[Magic]]
* [[House Rules]]
* [[Communion]]
* [[The Imperium]]
* [[The Imperial Nobility]]
* [[Imperial Laws]]
* [[Imperial Systems]]
* [[Martial Arts]]
* [[Orders of Knighthood]]
* [[Psionics]]
* [[Religions]]
* [[Technology]]
* [[Three Minute Tutorials]]