Hello, and welcome to Mashi's blog.
As social media collapses under its own weight, I've been considering new ways of sharing my thoughts and day-to-day that aren't quite as entangled with the existing alternatives. It feels a bit self-absorbed to refer friends and new connections to a website that's only me and my utterances. Then again, that's what a blog always has been, and besides, it's easier on everyone when there simply are no built-in metrics to measure how interesting we are to our peers.
If you didn't mean to come here, then that's okay, too! This blog is hosted through Obsidian, and you can find the rest of my website [here](https://dandylion.dev/). If you'd like to get in touch, you can email me at
[email protected], or DM me on [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/dandylion.dev/) (at least while it's still useable).