# Choose the language and country
#### <u>Countries:</u>
- [[Portugal - Versão Portuguesa]]
- [[Portugal - English Version]]
> [!note] Current state
> At this moment this project only has articles for Portugal. **However**, it is important to know that most recommendations and guidelines that refer to Portugal, will apply to most countries in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand.
> Regardless of existing an article for your country or not, you will certainly gain insights and increase your privacy and security if you read the existing articles.
# Intended audience
This article is targeted for [domestic violence](https://www.un.org/en/coronavirus/what-is-domestic-abuse), and/or sexual abuse victims who need to escape from their abusers. When escaping, a lot of digital traces can be left behind that will help abusares or ill intentioned people to locate the victim, so in order to ensure the highest possible degree of protection, follow the guidelines laid out in the article associated with the country you are living in.
# Goals
Sometimes, the law might not be supportive or fast enough to help victims and people might need to escape regardless of support. Given the ease with which people can be tracked down online, this article is meant to tackle that part of the problem with the following goals in mind:
- Make sure the victim is able to segregate their digital footprint from their abusers.
- Educate victims on the dangers of the cyberspace.
- Give a step by step guide on how victims can regain their digital autonomy and maintain it without comprising their security.
- Provide further resources for continuous education
# Inform yourself
Discover organizations near you that might be able to help:
[Helpline near me](https://findahelpline.com/countries/pt/topics/abuse-domestic-violence)
### Organizations:
> [!info]- Worldwide
> [Refuge.org](https://refuge.org.uk/)
> [!info]- North America
> **USA**:
> - [National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Mental Health](https://ncdvtmh.org/for-survivors/survivors-external-resource-directory/)
> - [Women against abuse](https://www.womenagainstabuse.org/about-us/our-mission-and-services)
> - [Domestic Violence Resource Network Organizations](https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ofvps/fact-sheet/domestic-violence-resource-network-organization-descriptions)
> [!info]- Europe
> **Present throughout Europe:**
> - [Wave-network](https://wave-network.org/)
> **Portugal:**
> - [Portal da violência doméstica](https://www.cig.gov.pt/area-portal-da-violencia/portal-violencia-domestica/apoio-vitimas-violencia-domestica/)
> - [APAV](https://vm.apav.pt/vd/index.php)
# Contributing
To contribute you can suggest changes here: [Link](https://github.com/ElMassas/cybersecurity_recommendations_SA-DV_victims/issues)
Or, you can create fork the repository and create a Pull Request.