![[Nabateans (about)-1.jpg|552]] About the Nabateans ## Tribal Rhythm Ensemble ## About the Nabateans The Nabateans Performance [[Art|Art]] Ensemble are about the hippest thing going right now. We are part of an Emergent Holarchy that grew Organically from our membership collective, which included our fan base and followers (including our vast and colorful entourage), as well as all our recruits and apprenticeships from the organization; not to mention our extraordinary ensemble personnel. We are quite a dynamic network and a joy to experience and be around. We love you too. Get Experienced! Be a Nabatean Initiate! ## art sanctuary & bohemia # Tribal Events ## Engaging [[Main Folder/Scrivener/Recent Scrivener Imports/The Collective|the Collective]] [get initiated](https://musicosophy.10-01.org/nabateans/about/#) ## Wild kingdom ## meet the crew We think our people are pretty special. We think you’re pretty special too. Special people should get together and hang out and that’s the way we managed to grow as quickly as we did. We have developed into a multi-level, deeply fractal organization that just gets deeper and more integrated by the week.  Since it really grew from the bottom up we call it a complex network organization. Because it sprang up from ground level, we know the joy and power of grass-roots happenings. And we honor the opportunity to cultivate community engagement initiatives. So bring a friend and tell everybody that you are part of the Indie Movement. Be proud of your Lived Experience. Be Indie! Facebook Twitter Google-plus [Yelp](https://musicosophy.10-01.org/nabateans/about/#) [Pinterest](https://musicosophy.10-01.org/nabateans/about/#) --- ## What animal totems live at the Sonic Ensemble Forum? The Nabatean Sonic Performance Ensemble is a performance group that specializes in the ancient [[Art|art]] of Nabatean music. The group consists of different types of animals and they have their own totems. The tiger totem represents strength, power and confidence while the owl totem represents wisdom, knowledge, and thoughtfulness. The snake totem represents healing and wholeness while the eagle totem is for success and protection. Sonic Hedgehog is a forum for the Hedgehog totem fans. It was founded by the Quills and became the largest Sonic Ensemble community on the internet. ## Do you allow visitors to feed the Musicians? Yes, of course! Donations are always welcome! ## What are the requirements to be a Beat-Keeper? It helps to have a Drum (whether local or internal). Otherwise, just listen to the Ocean. A Nabatean Beat-Keeper is a person of high social status. They are responsible for maintaining the rhythm of the music and dance at Nabatean feasts and festivals. The duties of a Beat-Keeper include leading the dance, playing the drum, chanting, and singing. It is said that there are only three people who have been granted this status in history – King Downbeat I, King Upbeat, and King Rimshoton III. King Upbeat plays again at the end. The requirements to be a Nabatean Beat-Keeper are an outstanding heart for which they can sing or chant with; an extraordinary ability to smile while playing the drum; and excellent improvisational skills. ## enlist today ## Help us build a new meaningful experience There will never be a greater now or more important tomorrow than when you cast your lot to this Hero’s Journey of Profound Adventure ### the animals In the year 475 BC, the Nabateans established their trading empire in the Arabian Desert and brought a fresh, new culture across the desert. The **[nomadic society](https://metaphysical-qabalah.org/tarot/about/#:~:text=Traditionally%2C%20the%20%E2%80%9Cnomad%E2%80%9D%20is%20a%20person%20from%20a%20culture%20that%20is%20constantly%20traveling%20from%20place%20to%20place%20with%20the%20seasons%2C%20engaged%20in%20what%20some%20have%20called%20pastoralism%20and%20others%20have%20called%20a%20wandering%20lifestyle.)** attained a creative mix of ancient tribal [[Mysticism|mysticism]], tradition and enlightenment mixed in with water conservation, agriculture and mathematics. ### zookeepers Philo was welcomed as an inner circle member into this section of support for his cerebral solutions to chaos theory that served as a starting point for full human-centric [[Metaphysics|metaphysics]]. This was done through conversations about free thought between neighboring philosophies. The tribe gradually integrated Caravan philosophy into their own through the ritualistic process of stick play to represent the member’s take on philosophical practice, with themselves as those who would dance around [[Fire|fire]], first in two [[Dimensions|dimensions]] and then to infinity– thus giving them an alternate folk-technology to meet life from beyond space-time and back out again. Through these legendary journeys, they would find and express possibilities for multi-fashionable perspectives for themselves to reclaim values commonly lost to all their contemporaries. [Follow the Nabateans](https://www.bandsintown.com/a/15491967-the-nabateans) --- ## the Caravan This lively and sweeping record of their journeys is literally a journey through all of [[Space and Time|space and time]], across cultures and geographies. The Nabateans, sonic performance ensemble, specialize in Tribal Beats and Rhythms with a Nomadic Philosophy. Follow their Rhythmic Luxons for tribal drumming, enochian chanting and far-out adventure – through exotic history, pop culture, spiritual exploration, cultural anthropology, [[Consciousness|consciousness]] studies… It’s just that far-out. The cave thrummed with incoming light, the smell of sweet water lotus filling the air. The first beats hit with such a compelling syncopation that I impulsively enjoined in freestyle eurhythmics. Others in my tribe then began to chant a broken myrthr, giving way to the sound of continuous beating music. Existence and inner sense recoiled in elation and ecstasy. --- ## Image Carousel Images from our escapades used to be here --- ## Soul Journey & Caravan of Adventure ## Follow The Beat We introduce you to the archetypal troupe of nomads and their College Professor on a trip that turns most people’s ideas of rhythm upside down. He knows how Planet X idolizes the Nabateans; guides them on their journey and wild performance of exotic tribal instruments. Do they discover knowledge from the past? The cosmic was conceived with intention. Facebook Twitter Google-plus [Yelp](https://musicosophy.10-01.org/nabateans/about/#) [Pinterest](https://musicosophy.10-01.org/nabateans/about/#) --- **Optionalities in Rhythm and Timing** **The Soul Journey** **Rhythmic Projection of the Melodic Avatar** **Procession of the Equinox** **Anima Mundi** **Train of the Circus Peanuts** **animal information** --- ## Safari & Adventure Park The Nabateans are a tribe that has a rich, nomadic, rhythm based culture. They have been immersed in their tradition for a long, long time and not much is said about the importance of a friendly econo-lodge. As a young man in college, he sought favor from the capital and so did his combo, with the desire to perform tribal beats, enochian chanting, and far-out adventure. However, he was only able to do so with their help and companionship. A moral journey ensued whereby certain determinations became established; how far a person will go for [[Love|love]] or performative interests or even for a quest that’s eventually sustained. The young tribe had its own language consisting of just 99 words which made easy arrangements possible, for they now conducted negotiations without much thought – they were known as bargreeners because they brought food to urban centres by desert entourage in exchange for goods that were worth dancing for. The Barista understood them well. Halfway between Europe and Africa, the North African city of Shibam is a thrilling age-old juxtaposition of atmospheric buildings and ritual drums whose topographic landmarks afford spectacular views to the Sahara Desert. The religious breakdown of West Africa’s world age old culture created scenes such as these throughout the country, but nowhere more so than in the royal city that gave birth to one of history’s most incredible kingdoms. In ancient Arab accounts, it was said that Abban Bin Iamr built a tower in response to his insatiable curiosity about possible inhabitable areas further north in the mountain ranges. As rumor has it, he also established a very significant nomadic path up along Jaydus Valley and its famous Nabatean ruins by which he became absolved for his sins on Earth. --- ## the safari animals ## Ultimate Quest & Caravan of Adventure --- ## Local dear ## animal sanctuary​ In a four-star hotel bar, the Silverguard’s manager meets the weary old satyr, who is wearing a well-used cowboy hat, with only his long beard and boots to identify him. But this July evening, it will take on a slightly atmospheric perspective as Planet X’s hero journey swings through the heavens. Ten years ago he courted a sleek doe from across the meadow. Though it’s a cliche by now, they probably met at a Nabateans sonic performance ensemble. The tribal beats are so nomadic  as rhythms, and the humans seem to like it too. Fantastic! The good times keep a-rollin on. --- ## Leather Moccasins ## The reptile house The Iroquois were a nomadic people who lived in the Eastern forest. They were known for their musical performances and their use of drums. The sound of the drum is said to have been so powerful that it could cause lizards to run in circles. The Nabatean music was played by a group of musicians who stood on top of each other, with one person playing the drum while another would play a flute or an oud. Turtles would swim in the pond. The members of these sonic reptiles were all professional percussionists and they are also masters in tribal beats and nomadic rhythm structure. ## one big family Our Rainbow Tribe Nabateans have represented diversity and ecological wilderness at its truest. The tribe has the power to bring people together, enable deeper connections and share ideas in a non-judgmental way. Our relationship with the fans is integral and unique. They are our best friends everywhere we go. As we travel with them more and more, they appear to all be one big family of musicians and performers. Imagine what we have in common as one big family of musicians, performers, songwriters and those who simply value good music & performances: – We are entertained by the magic that music and live performance creates – We always focus on inclusion of communities who may otherwise feel underrepresented elsewhere. We are uniquely underrepresented elsewhere, too. – Our Nomadic Tribal Rainbow inspires us to follow our passions no matter how profound it gets: Creativity is an Ontological Necessity. --- ## The Bird Tribe ## The Aviary The Nabatean Bird Tribe has been a part of the Enochian Chanting community since the early 2000’s. The tribal members use bird language as a way of connecting with their followers. The bird language is a way to communicate with their followers in a manner that is meaningful and non-threatening to them. The Nabatean Bird Tribe also uses Enochian Chanting to connect with their followers and provide a deeper experience for those interested in learning about how animal totems can be used for healing and reconnection with nature. They also use the drumming and chanting as a means of communication, but mostly for trance, when they want to function on auto-pilot and be free from any external influence. --- ## Dancing Maidens ##### you may want to flirt Dancing Nomadic Maidens is part of a bigger project called Tribal Drumming and Enochian Chanting. This type of dance was created by our followers who’ve been following us on social media for over a year now. This experience was quite empowering for us as artists. Eurythmic Polyphony is big time fun for both mind and body. No wonder it is the most popular form of dance in the world- you can dance all night long with no exhaustion. Brain stimulation after a long day can be one of the best ways to unwind and relax. The Swirling Dancers are a group of performers that push the boundaries of what is expected from dance. They perform enthralling movement, interactive soundscapes, and use Enochian Chanting to create an immersive experience for their audience. --- ## Ancestral Songs ## Sonic Emendation The world of music is not devoid of mystery and keeps its own hall of mysterious secrets; the different sources of music are a treasure trove that old cultures want to keep hidden. Our ancestors used this music as a powerful tool for healing and achieving trance states, as well as for achieving spiritual awareness and enlightenment. As they sung these songs, they were able to contact their ancestral spirits in the afterlife. These ancestral songs are considered sacred and they are passed down from generation to generation. It is one way in which people understand their lineage and cultural identity. They often include trance states, healing songs, hypnotic chants, otherworldly sounds that are beyond your imagination. ### General Topology ## Our Location on Map <iframe loading="lazy" src="https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Greensboro%20NC&amp;t=m&amp;z=9&amp;output=embed&amp;iwloc=near" title="Greensboro NC" aria-label="Greensboro NC"></iframe> Copyright © 2024 the Nabateans | Pixels forged by [Creative Specialties Web Design](https://contemporary-services.com/media/creative-specialties/) | INTP Whole Brain | [Contemporary Digital Media](https://contemporary-services.com/media/)