# Welcome to the CloverVault!
> The Cloververse ARG is a series of interconnected games that expand the narrative universe of the Cloverfield film franchise. The ARG began with the untitled trailer before the first Transformers movie and quickly grew after the announcement/teaser at San Diego Comic Con for an upcoming Godzilla-like monster [Bad Robot](https://badrobot.com/) project that would later become the 2007 original "Cloverfield" movie and later continued with the subsequent films "10 Cloverfield Lane" (2016) and "The Cloverfield Paradox" (2018). Through the ARG, players explore the Cloverfield universe, uncovering details about the characters, storylines, and the mysterious corporation known as Tagruato.
> [!FAQ]- What's an ARG?
> An ARG, or **Alternate Reality Game**, is an interactive, multimedia storytelling experience that combines elements of puzzles, games, and narrative to create an immersive world that often extends into the real world. Players engage with the story by solving riddles, decoding messages, and uncovering hidden information across various platforms such as websites, social media, phone calls, physical locations, and more. ARGs often involve collaborative efforts, where players form communities to share findings and work together to progress through the game.
> ARGs are designed to blur the line between fiction and reality, creating a sense of immersion and engagement that goes beyond traditional storytelling methods. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as marketing campaigns, promotion of movies or TV shows, educational purposes, or simply as a form of entertainment.
This knowledge base will detail out all of facts, timelines, narratives, and various elements that make up the Cloverfield Universe -- or *Cloververse* -- and will adhere to a (fairly) strict fact-driven structure to maintain it's integrity. If we can't find a reputable source, we will most likely leave it off or in the rumors/speculations sections. Thank you for visiting, if you have any questions, comments, concerns please [[#Contact|contact us]].
## Latest Updates
The go-to place to stay up-to-date on if there has been any recent discoveries.
| Date | Description |
| :--------: | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 2024-06-27 | Joe Barton shares he no longer knows about the status of the next Cloverfield anymore, and that he hasn't been involved with it since before the strike. |
| 2023-03-30 | Slusho.com updates with a basic, refreshed interactive website.\* |
| 2023-03-01 | Various Slusho trademarks are filed |
| 2022-10-26 | [[References#^Ref-10\|Joe Barton hopes to have a finalized script 'soon'.]] |
| 2022-09-22 | [[References#^Ref-3\|Babak Anvari confirmed as director]] |
>Keep in mind that it is possible that newer updates could be fan-made content that was misinterpretted as in-universe. An askterisk (\*) means we haven't be able to fully confirm this update is authentic, we use our best judgement before posting these updates.
## ARG Timelines
- [[ARG Timeline#IRL Timeline of Events|IRL Timeline of Events]]
- [[ARG Timeline#In-Universe Timeline of Events|In-Universe Timeline of Events]]
## [[Movies]]
- [[Cloverfield (2008)]]
- [[10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)]]
- [[The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)]]
- [[Movies#Other Movies|Other Movies]]
## [[Organizations]]
- [[Tagruato Corporation]]
- [[Les Guerriers de Mère-Terre]]
- [[Les Guerriers de Mère-Terre|TIDO Wave]]
## Characters
- [[Characters#Movies|Characters from the Movie]]
- [[Characters#ARG-Exclusive|Characters from the ARG]]
## Websites
- [[Websites#In-Verse Sites|In-Verse Sites]]
- [[Websites#Archived Retired Sites|Archived Retired Sites]]
- [[Websites#Research Links|Research Links]]
## Social Media
- [[Social Media#Twitter|Twitter]]
- [[Social Media#Myspace|Myspace]]
- [[Social Media#Blogger|Blogger/Blogspot]]
- [[Social Media#Misc|Misc]]
- [[Social Media#Hashtags|Hashtags]]
- [[Social Media#Emails|Emails]]
## Theories and Analysis
This is the section to review what happens when you try every combination of Slusho! flavors, the differences between slusho.jp and slusho.com, and other various analyses.
- [[Theories and Analysis#Tested Theories|Tested Theories]] - Potential puzzles that require various methods, codes that have been tested, etc.
- [[Theories and Analysis#Analytical Documents|Analytical Documents]] - Various observations, breakdowns, and other evidence.
- [[Common Misconceptions & Continuity Errors]]
## External Resources
*Coming Soon...*
- [[External Resources#Interviews|Interviews]]
- [[External Resources#Podcasts|Podcasts]]
- [[External Resources#Upcoming Movie News|Upcoming Movie News]]
- [[External Resources#Fan-made Content|Fan-made Content]]
## Multimedia
- [[Multimedia#Images|Images]]
- [[Multimedia#Video|Videos]]
- [[Multimedia#Documents|Documents]]
- [[Multimedia#Other|Other]]
## Contact
[email protected])
*Chief Archivist
Senior Intelligence Analyst*
*Senior Intelligence Analyst*
*Junior Intelligence Analyst*
*Looking to expand our staff...*
>[!TODO] Under Construction
>There is still a lot we need to document and archive. If you'd like a peek at our notes of things to document next, [[To-Do List|click here.]]