# Personal Web Page of Charles N Haas
Welcome to Charles N. Haas' website. I am the LD Betz Professor of Environmental Engineering at [Drexel University](https://drexel.edu/)
This is my personal web page. My official university web page is [here](https://drexel.edu/engineering/about/faculty-staff/H/haas-charles/). You can also review my full resume from this site. [[Full Resume.pdf]]
# Short Professional Bio
I am the L.D. Betz Professor of Environmental Engineering at Drexel University, where I have been since 1991. I was also Head of the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering from 2004-2020. I received a BS (Biology) and MS (Environmental Engineering) from the [Illinois Institute of Technology](https://www.iit.edu/) and my PhD in Environmental Engineering from the [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign](https://cee.illinois.edu/). Prior to Drexel, I was on the faculties of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the Illinois Institute of Technology. Over my career, I have specialized in the assessment of risk from and control of human exposure to pathogenic microorganisms, and in particular, the treatment of water and wastewater to minimize microbial risk to human health. I have also applied the techniques of [[quantitative microbial risk assessment]], or QMRA, to problems in food safety, indoor air quality, recreational exposures, and occupational risks.
Broader interests are in water and wastewater treatment, [[wastewater reuse]], and modeling of environmental processes.
## Significant Honors
- Elected to [National Academy of Engineering](https://www.nae.edu/248754/Dr-Charles-N-Haas) (2021)
- [Distinguished Fellow of the International Water Association](https://iwa-network.org/news/iwa-announces-2020-fellows-and-distinguished-fellows/) (2020)
- Recipient of the[ Athalie Richardson Irvine Clarke Prize](https://www.nwri-usa.org/clarke-prize) for Outstanding Achievement in Water Science and Technology from the National Water Research Institute (2017)
- American Water Works Association
- Recipient of the [AP Black Research Award](https://www.awwa.org/award/a-p-black-award/) (2018)
- Recipient of the [Dr. John L. Leal Award ](https://www.awwa.org/award/dr-john-leal-award/)(2017)
- [Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member by Eminence](https://www.aaees.org/eminence), American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists
- Fellow of the following organizations:
- [American Association for the Advancement of Science](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fellow_of_the_American_Association_for_the_Advancement_of_Science)
- [Society for Risk Analysis](https://www.sra.org/about-sra/awards/fellows-of-the-society/) (2002)
- [American Society of Civil Engineers](https://www.asce.org/membership/join/fellow)
- [American Academy of Microbiology](https://asm.org/academy/academy)
- [Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors](https://aeesp.org/awards/fellows)
## Major Current Professional Service
- Vice President, [American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists](https://www.aaees.org/)
- Area Editor, [_Risk Analysis_](https://www.sra.org/journal/)
- Member of multiple advisory panels for the [National Water Research Institute](https://www.nwri-usa.org/)
- Commissioner, [Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET](https://www.abet.org/about-abet/governance/accreditation-commissions-2-2/), and serve as program evaluator (environmental engineering and civil engineering)
## External Links to Publications
[Google Scholar Profile](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=sr2iKIsAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1)
# Contact Information
- [Email](mailto:
[email protected])
- [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/chuckhaas/)
- [Mastodon](https://mastodon.social/@ProfCharlesHaas)
- [BlueSky](https://bsky.app/profile/chuckhaas.bsky.social)
## Personal Blog
I also maintain a [personal blog](https://chaasblog.wordpress.com/) where I occasionally write about topics that interest me.
## Personal Information
## [[Colophon]]