# Transposons --- **Transposons**, sometimes called "jumping genes", are [[gene|genes]] that can move from one part of DNA to another. The danger of this is that they can land directly in the middle of other genes, completely trashing that gene. Transposons can also jump from chromosomal DNA to [[plasmid|plasmid DNA]] in bacteria. ## Hemophilia B [[hemophilia|Hemophilia B]] is a condition in humans caused by a transposon jumping into the gene for "factor IX", a protein used to help blood clot. ## Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria If one bacteria has a transposon gene for antibiotic resistance, and that gene moves from it's [[DNA|chromosomal DNA]] to its [[plasmid|plasmid DNA]], *that* plasmid can then be transferred to another bacteria via [[horizontal gene transfer]], resulting in a spread of the antibiotic resistance trait. ___