# Rabies --- **Rabies** is caused an increadibly dangerous family of [[animal virus|animal viruses]] that infect the [[central nervous system]]. It has the rare ability to infect multiple species, which is why it can present in animals as well as humans. Rabies is usually transmited through animal bites, and it is generally rare in humans in places where wild animal populations are well controlled. Once a victim exhibits symptoms of rabies, it is essentially guarenteed to be [[death|fatal]], but there are treatments that can be used fo fight the virus if it is given before the the onset of symptoms. > [!health] Very, very scary > Rabies is **fatal in over 99% of cases**, which makes it world's most deadly diseases. There is no treatment once signs or symptoms of the disease begin. This is why if you even *suspect* that you *might* have had contact with a rabid animal, it is imparitive to seek out a rabies shot STAT. ___