# Psychology
**Psychology** is a subject of study for [[nursing]] school. Even non-psych nurses end up being psych nurses sometimes.
[[life-span development]]
[[psych nursing]]
## Major Theories of Development
Theories of development are split into two groups, the grand theories and the smaller ones. A grand theory is comprehensive, and seek to explain the whole of human experience. Despite their name, they are not considered the end all and be all by modern psyychologists.
The grand theories are:
- **psychoanalytic theory**, first conceptualized by Sigmund Freud which described human behavior in terms of significant factors from childhood
- [[psychosocial theory]] first conceptualized by Erik Erikson, a contemporary of Freud, which took more holistic, life-long view of development
- **behaviorism** first conceptulaized by B. F. Skinner, which saw human behavior as fundamentally learned through reinforcement
- [[cognitive theory]] first conceptualized by Jean Piaget, which sought to understand human behavior as fundamentally dependent on how one thinks, or views the world.
The **not-so-grand** theories:
- sociocultural theory
- universal theory