# Ovaries
The **ovaries** are the primary organ of the [[female reproductive system]]. The [[ovarian cycle]] occurs here.
The ovaries are supported by three ligaments: the broad ligament, the ovarian ligament and the suspensory ligament. The broad ligament is a wide, flat segment of peritoneum (called the mesovarium) which drapes over the uterus and ovaries. The ovarian ligament attaches each ovary directly to the perimetrium of the uterus. The suspensory ligament attaches to the lateral end of the ovaries, and this is also where the ovarian blood vessels come through.
- primary organs: **overies**
- protected and anchored by a bit of the peritoneium called the **mesovarium**
- **hilum** where the blood vessels/nerves enter/exit
- has thousancds of **[[ovarian follicle|follicle cells]]**