# Finger & Toe Nails --- Our **finger and toe nails** are an [[integumentary system|accessory feature]] of the integumentary system that protect the tips of our fingers and toes, as well as providing structural support for picking up small objects. ![[nail.png]] ## The Nail Plate The **nail plate** is the hard part of the nail—the "nail" part of the nail. The part of the plate that we can see is the **nail body** and the part of the plate that is hidden under the skin is the **nail root**. The nail plate is made up of densely packed dead [[keratinocytes]] that differentiate from [[epidermis|basal cells]] in the [[#The Nail Bed Matrix|nail matrix]] and are squished together in the nail root. This growth is continuous, pushing the plate along the nail bed. The little rainbow shape near the [[#proximal fold]] on the nail plate is called the **lunula**, and there is a thick layer of [[epithelial tissue|epithelium]] over the [[#The Nail Bed Matrix|nail matrix]]. The part of the nail plate that has grown off the nail bed is called the **free edge**. ## The Nail Bed & Matrix The **nail bed** is where the nail plate is attached, and is rich in blood vessels which gives the nail a pink color. The **nail matrix** is where cells of the [[epidermis#Stratum Basale|stratum basale]] continuously proliferate into [[keratinocytes]] that make up the [[#The Nail Plate|nail plate]]. ## Nail Folds, Eponychium & Hyponychium The **nail folds** are pieces of skin that fold over the [[#The Nail Plate|nail plate]] and help anchor it to the nail bed. The two on the sides are the **lateral nail folds** and the one on the "bottom" is the **proximal nail fold**, commonly called the **cuticle**, which is also also called the **eponychium**. There is also a thick layer of [[epidermis#Stratum Corneum|stratum corneum]] right under the free edge that is called the **hyponychium**. ## Problems with Nails **Spoon nails** are nails that scoop inwards, and can be a sign of [[iron deficiency|iron deficiency anemia]]. ___