# Molecule
A **molecule** is a group of [[atom|atoms]] that are [[chemical bond|bound]] together into one fundamental unit.
The bonds between molecules can be [[covalent bond|covalent]] or [[ionic bond|ionic]]. Many molecules are also defined as [[substance|chemical compounds]], but the definition of molecule allows two or more atoms of the same [[element]] to be bound together, such as with [[oxygen]] (O$_2$).
## Molecular Color Conventions
Atoms are smaller than the smallest wavelength of [[electromagnetic spectrum|visable light]], so we cannot technically "see" an atom, nor does it have a color. However, by convention there is a generally consistent color coordination used to visualize molecules.
- **Carbon** is colored black because it’s the color of charcoal.
- **Oxygen** is red because it’s necessary for combustion.
- **Nitrogen** is blue because it’s the most abundant element in the Earth’s atmosphere and the sky appears blue.
- **Hydrogen** is white because it forms a colorless gas.
- **Chlorine** is green because it forms a greenish gas.
- **Sulfur** is yellow because that’s its color in mineral form.
- **Phosphorus** is orange because it glows orange in a flame.
- **Iron** is reddish brown because it rusts