# Mitochondria: The Powerhouse of the Cell --- The **mitochondria** is an [[organelle]] found in all eukaryotic cells that produces vast amounts of [[adenosine triphosphate]]. There may be hundreds or even thousands in a single cell, depending on the type of cell. It is where the [[citric acid cycle]] and phosphorylation of ATP takes place. The CAC brings after pyruvate and oxygen enter through it's membrane and builds up chemical energy to power [[ATP synthase]]. The byproducts are CO$_2$, H$_2$O and (tons of) ATP. ![[mitochondria.png]] ## Structure The mitochondria is made up of an an inner and outer membrane. Between the two are the "intermembrane space" which is where the the proton [[concentration gradient]] is build up to power the [[ATP synthase]]. The inner membrane is full of wrinkles that increase the surface area, giving it more places to install ATP synthase to produce ATP. The very inside of the mitochondria, (the area inside the inner membrane) is called the "mitochondrial matrix" and this is where the [[citric acid cycle]] takes place. ## Origin Mitochondria are considered to be product of [[endosymbiosis]]. Some evidence of this is that mitochondria are about the same size as bacteria, and they have their own DNA. Essentially what this means is that the mitochondria in every one of our cells is it's own organism, just along for the ride. They produce energy for us and we give them a safe environment and tons of food and nutrients to just keep chugging along. ___