# Memory --- **Memory** is essentially the [[brain|brain's]] way of taking in information, storing that information, and then being able to rememeber, or retrieve that information when it is needed. >[!important] "Memory" disambiguation >Generally speaking, what we think of as "memory" is actually three connected but distinct concepts: >- first is the [[encoding]] information >- storing that information >- and finally the [[retrieval]], or recall of that information. > This note will actually cover information on the second aspect, the storage of memory. One model of memory is the **multi-store model of memory** which conceptualizes different "stores" of memory based on how quickly information leaves it, or is forgotten. ![[multi-store model.png]] ## Sensory Memory All information comes into the brain at first as [[afferent nervous system|sensory]] input, and is first stored in the **sensory memory**. Although there are many ways to classify memory, two ways are differentiating between long-term memory and working memory ## Long-Term Memory **Long-term memory** is like the warehouses of your mind. Like warehouses, it's possible to have certain memories get burried and lost if you don't revisit them at least a little bit. To really fortify the memory in your long-term storage, it's important to repeat it *over the course of days*. Cramming in tons of repititions all at once isn't as effective as spaced-repitition. ## Working Memory **Working memory** is like the terrible chalkboard of your mind, only capable of storing 4 chunks (previously thought to be 7) of information at a time. There are "natural dissapating processes" that are like "memory vampires" that want to suck that neural strength away. This is why we might naturally repeat some numbers we want to remember to ourselves, or shut our eyes to reduce distractions. ___