# Growth Hormone
**Growth hormone**, or **GH** (sometimes called **human growth hormone** or **HGH**) is a [[hormone]] that is produced in the [[pituitary gland|anterior pituitary gland]] and triggers growth in zones 2-3 during [[interstitial growth]] the the [[interstitial growth|epiphyseal plate]]. It has a **glucose sparing effect** which means it uses fat as an energy source and leaves glucose for brain. The problem is that this keeps blood glucose high (risk of diabetes).
![[growth hormone.png]]
## Regulation of Growth Hormone
- **Growth hormone-releasing hormone** or **GHRH** is released by the [[hypothalamus]] and moves through the portal system to the [[pituitary gland|anterior pituitary gland]] where GH is released.
- **Growth hormone-inhibiting hormone** or **GHIH**, also called **somatostatin**
- Octreotide is a synthetic somatostatin used for treating [[acromegaly]] and other disorders
- An off label use is as treatment for ruptured [[esophageal varices]], as it reduces portal hypertension.
## Imbalances with Growth Hormone
- Too much HGH results in **gigantism**
- Not enough HGH results in [[interstitial growth|achondroplasia]].