# Fertilization
**Fertilization** occurs when a [[sperm]] successfully meets up with an [[oocyte]] and they combine to form a diploid [[prenatal development|zygote]].
- 2ndry oocyte
- once it has 23 chromosomes, the only has ~24 hours to live, so it needs to be fertilized in that time frame.
- The egg just hangs out in the tube for a while after ovulation, usually at the ampulla area of the tube.
- sperm travel all the way up the uterine tube to fertilize egg (they can smell which one the egg is in)
- 1 egg, millions of sperm enter the vagina, 100-200 sperms reach the egg
- "some of you may die...but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make"
- if the woman is not ovulating, the sperm has a hard time getting past the cervix
- zygote travels down to uterus
- takes 3-4 days
- if it doesn't get there in time, and emplants in the tube, it's an **ectopic pregnancy**
## Preventing Polyspermy
**Polyspermy** is when two or more sperm get into an oocyte—very bad news. The body has some mechanisms to deter this.
Upon entry of sperm, there is a [[calcium|Ca++]] surge that cause a cortical reaction. **Zonal inhibiting proteins** or **ZIPs** are released, which destroy sperm receptors. This happens quite fast. A slower method is that spilled fluid binds to water and swells, detaching other sperm trying to get in.