# Falls
**Falls** are the number one [[injury]] that can happen to [[older adult|older adults]]
## Fall Risk Assessment
Risk factors
- history of falling
- secondary diagnosis
- being on medications
- side effects, dizzy, frequent urination, etc
- Illness
- [[ambulatory assistive devices]]
- don't use hospital furniture, most of it is on wheels
- IV therapy (easy to get tangled)
- [[gait]] impairment
- [[mental status assessment|mental status]]
- not just "alert and oriented", but more are they cooperative/can remember to ask for help if they need it
- "overestimates or forgets limits"
### Morse Fall Scale
The **Morse fall scale** is a common assessment tool for seeing how likely someone would be for a fall. This takes into account things like the patient's mobility, their mental awareness, any medication they might be on, their past fall history, and other things.