# The Domain Eukarya
The **domain eukarya** is the [[domains of life]] of life that consists of organisms whose cells contain a membrane-bound [[nucleus|nucleus]] as well as other membrane-bound [[organelle|organelles]]. "Eukarya" is from the Greek *eu karyon*, or "good nut"/"true kernel".
Eukaryotes can be unicellular, but they usually are multicellular. [[Protozoa]] are an example of a unicellular eukaryote.
Although the sheer number of eukaryotes are much smaller than the number of [[prokaryote|prokayrotes]], as the individuals are typically much larger, they are about equal in terms of total biomass worldwide.
![[human cell.png]]
## Features of all Eukaryotic Cells
All eukaryotic cells have: [[nucleus|nuclei]]
[[organelle|organelles]], specifically the [[mitochondria]].
Most eukaryotes also have an [[extracellular matrix]].
### Somatic Cells vs Gametes
There are two broad catagories of cells in eukarotic organisms, somatic cells and gametes. A **somatic cell** is any cell that is not a [[gamete]], and a gamete is a sperm or an egg.
## Kingdoms in Eukarya
[[Plants]], [[animals]], [[fungi]], [[protozoa]] are all kingdoms in the domain of Eukarya.
### Differences Between Plants and Animal Cells
Generally speaking the differences between plant and animal cells are features that plants have that animals.
Plants | Animals
have a [[cell wall]] | no cell wall
[[photosynthesis\|photosynthesize]] | do not photosynthesize
have a [[plants#Central Vacuole\|central vacuole]] | no central
![[plant and animal cell.png]]
## Evolution
Eukaryotes did not rise up until about 1 billion years ago and generally could not have come about without oxygen produced from [[bacteria|cyanobacteria]]. The leading theory is that