# Depression
**Depression** is a mental state of altered mood characterized by feelings of sadness, despair and discouragement.
Everyone, everyone, everyone in their lives have events or situations through which it is difficult to cope.
how is this different from [[major depressive disorder]]
## Signs & Symptoms
- [[insomnia]]
- [[fatigue]]
- difficulty eating or sleeping
- disinterested in sex
- hygiene neglect
- feeling hopeless
- feeling like a burden
- apathy
- ...and more
## Considerations in the Older Adult
Depression is not a normal part of aging, but it is the most frequent mental health illness treated in [[older adult#Psyclologic Changes of Older Adults|older adults]]. This can often be triggered by the loss of a loved one or moving into long term care. Depression can lead to [[suicide]]—20% of suicides occur in people over the age of 65.
## Considerations in the Teenager
• Emotional changes / Behavioral changes
• Frequent complaints of unexplained body aches
and headaches, which may include frequenl visits
10 the school nurse
• Stomach aches
• FDA black box warning attached to antidepressants
regarding increased risk of suicidal thinking or attempts
in patients under aqe 24
• Fewer medications approved
• iqns and symptoms of depression can align with more
typical teen behavior
• limited experience Wilh emotions, limited **Ianquaqe**
## Nursing Diagnoses for Depression
>Risk for Suicide r/t depressed mood, feelings of worthlessness
>Dysfunctional Grieving r/t real or perceived loss, bereavement overload
>Low self-esteem r/t learned helplessness, feelings of abandonment by significant other, impaired cognition
>Powerlessness r/t dysfunction grieving process, lifestyle of helplessness
>Spiritual Distress r/t loss of valued object