# Croup --- **Croup** is a severe [[inflammation]] of the [[larynx]], [[respiratory tracts|trachea]] and [[bronchi]], typically as a result of a viral infection or allergies. It is not generally a condition that completely cuts off all airflow, and complications are rare (not impossible, but rare), so croup is not considered an emergency. Treatment usually consists of managing symptoms and allowing it to resolve on its own--usually in about 3-5 days. Croup can be especially bad in children, owing to the size of their air passageways. Just a 1mm inflammation can cut off up to 50% of airflow. ## Signs & Symptoms Croup presents with a distinctive barking "croupy" cough. There is also inspiratory [[lung sounds|stridor]], hoarseness, a croupy, barking, distinctive cough inspiratory stridor hoarseness acute respiratory distress-retractions and tachypnea ## Diagnosis Diagnosis for croup usually physical exam hearing that croup cough can use a chest/neck x-ray, laryngoscopy but not really ## Medical treatment home care steamy bathroom cool air bedrest, fluids, antiphyretics, keep calm hospital care (rarely gets this bad) cool mist oxygen prn epinephrine (neb) antibiotics, steroids ## Nursing Considerations monitor impaired gas exchange/ineffective airway/fatigue (breathing hard takes a *lot* of energy) worsening dyspnea stridor absence of breath sounds prepare for intubation emergency trach ("pretty darn rare") at risk for epiglottitis ___