# Breastfeeding --- **Breastfeeding**, sometimes called **chestfeeding** is the practice of feeding [[infant|babies]] from the [[mammary glands]]. It's very healthy, and the WHO (World Health Organization) recommends feeding babies exclusively breastmilk for the first year. For the first 3 days the fluid from the mammary glands is called **colostrum**, which is thick and high in calories. **Benefits for baby** - balance of nutrition (adjusts to age of baby) - contains micronutrients absent in formula - less infant illness ([[type I hypersensitivity|allergies]], ear infections, colic) - babies get [[antibodies]] from mom - less adult illness ([[diabetes mellitus]], [[cancer]], [[cardiovascular disease|heart disease]]) - better vision as kid - stronger jaw/fewer cavities - less SIDS - higher IQ - later puberty/fewer teenage pregnancies - less likely to become obese or hypertensive by age 12 **Benefits for the parent** - easier bonding - reduces risk of [[breast cancer]] and [[osteoporosis]] - natural contraception - feels good - easier to travel with the baby - less costly...in terms of money anyway. ## Stages of Breastfeeding Lactogenesis I (Colostrum Phase): - Occurs in the first 2-4 days after birth. - Produces small amounts of colostrum, a thick, yellowish fluid rich in antibodies, immunoglobulins, and other protective factors that help build the newborn's immune system. Lactogenesis II (Mature Milk Phase): - Occurs between 2-4 days postpartum, although timing can vary. - Marked by a significant increase in milk volume as the breasts transition to producing mature milk. - Mature milk is white or cream-colored and richer in calories, fat, and lactose compared to colostrum. ## Latch The **latch** is when the infant attaches it's mouth to the nipple in order to get the milk out. There are some reflexes that help the baby do this naturally, but it also needs some guidance and just generally isn't very coordinated when it comes out. The LATCH score is a method assess how good the baby is latching. It is scored on 5 criteria (that spell out LATCH, of course) on a scale from 0-2, with the higher the score the better. | | 0 | 1 | 2 | | -------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Latch | too sleepy/reluctant;<br>no latch achieved | repeated attempts;<br>holds nipple in mouth;<br>must be stimulated to suck | grasps breast;<br>tongue is down, lips flanged;<br>rhythmical sucking | | Audible (swallowing) | none | a few with stimulation | spontaneous and intermittent (<24 old);<br>spontaneous and frequent (>24h old) | | Type (of nipple) | inverted | flat | everted (can be after stimulation) | | Comfort (of breast) | Engorged;<br>cracked, bleeding, large blisters/bruises;<br>severe discomfort | filling;<br>reddened, small blisters/bruises;<br>mild/moderate discomfort | soft;<br>non-tender | | Hold | requires full assistance | requires some help with the hold | needs no help, holds independently | ___