# Anabolism --- **Anabolism** is the name of the [[metabolism|metabolic pathways]] that builds up the macromolecules for our cells to use. We as humans don't absorb prebuilt macromolecules for incorporation into our cells, but we have to take the pieces and build them up from there. It *absorbs* energy for anabolic reactions. For example, [[photosynthesis]] is an anabolic pathway. These reactions often use energy in the from of [[adenosine triphosphate]]. ## Carbohydrates The main pathway for building up carbohydrates is [[gluconeogenesis]], which is used to make glucose from non-carbon sources, like lipids or protein. This is used because the body likes to use glucose as fuel whenever possible and so will vastly prefer this source if it's at all possible. ## Proteins The anabolism of proteins is a complex process that involves: - amino acids synthesis (assuming it's [[essential and non-essential amino acids|non-essential]]) via a process called [[transamination]]. - [[transcription]] - [[translation]] - any [[translation#Post-Translational Modification|post-translational modifications]] - [[protein folding]] ## Lipids [[Lipogenesis]] is the building up of fatty acids from acetyl CoA. ___