# Acetaminophen --- **Acetaminophen** (brand name: **Tylenol**) is a common medicine used to treat [[pain]] and [[fever]]. It's sometimes abbreviated **APAP** Acetaminophen can be taken PO, IV and rectally. ## Mechanisms of Action The real answer is we're not really sure, but we think it works similar to [[NSAIDs]] by inhibiting COX enzymes, which stops the production of prostaglandins. Unlike NSAIDs though, it does not really bring down inflammation. ## Acetaminophen Toxicity Do not exceed 3 grams a day. Tylenol can be really damaging to the liver and cause [[acute liver failure]]—in facts it this causes 49% of ALF. >[!warning] Overdosing is easy to do >Acetaminophen has been around forever! It is found as a component in over 600 OTC drugs, which means it is be very easy for someone to take two or more meds with aceteminophen and accidently overdose. Treatment for APAP toxicity: - Get the most of the stuff out of the stomach if possible - activated charcoal - [[nutrition|NG tube]] to low intermittent suction - The antidote for acetaminophen is called **N-acetylcysteine** or **NAC**. It can be given orally or IV, but it has quite a foul taste and often given IV. - very effective if given quickly ___