# *Neisseria gonorrhoeae*
***Neisseria gonorrhoeae*** is a [[Gram negative bacteria|Gram negative]] [[bacteria#Taxonomy Shape and Arangement|diplococcus]], highly [[pathogen|pathogenic]] bacteria. They are Leoned's favorite bacteria of all time. *Gonorrhoeae* is a diplococcus and very pathogenic.
*Gonorrhoeae* has many devious and dangerous methods of evading our immune system. On is that it produces it's own [[complement protein#Sialic Acid and Factor H Protecting Our Own Cells From Complement Proteins|sialic acid]] in order to [[virulence#The Ability to Evade Host's Innate Defense|evade our innate defences]] by producing it's own once inside our system. This has has the consequence of letting [[complement protein#Sialic Acid and Factor H Protecting Our Own Cells From Complement Proteins|factor H]] bind to it, effectively letting *gonorrohoeae* run around our system in stealth mode. In this state it is referred to as "serum resistant gonorrhoeae", as it is resistant to the protections found in our [[blood]] serum.
*Gonorrhoeae* can alsp produce an enzyme called "IgA protease" that actually degrades our [[antibodies|IgA antibodies]].
## Infection
*Gonorrhoeae* doesn't really produce any toxins that *directly* cause damage, but if it does infect the [[uterus|cervix]], the resulting [[inflammation]] from the immune system can cause a lot of damage, or even [[ectopic pregnancy]].